Mistakes Part 3

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A/N: I am currently floundering. Roleplays are not the time to flounder! Oh well, time to post a new chapter and just calm down...


It was the only thing I could register. My vision was still dark. Some small part of my mind that wasn't focused on the multiple sharp implements digging their way into my shoulder wondered if whoever was digging the bullet out of my collar had put a sleep mask on me so I couldn't watch them as they worked. Machines whirred and buzzed in all directions and the steady beep beep beep of the heart monitor was clearly distinguishable over the cacophony in my head.

While coaxingly pushing the pain out from my thoughts, I took into account my situation. Namely the bonds that were holding me fast. They felt leathery and tight against my skin. I would have struggled but the scalpel that was dangerously close to a major artery stopped me.

As I felt them touch the bullet and accidentally push it deeper I mused on my predicament. I was somewhere unknown but the terrible smell of antiseptic that drew back memories of the last time I had been in a hospital was hinting at doctors and bright white walls. I was restrained so whoever was in charge knew what I was capable of. The echo of voices meant I was probably in a crowded room with all eyes centered on me. Just great.

A soft female voice drew my attention. "Get out of the way Roberts. You're only making it worse."

One scalpel was removed only to be replaced by another, much more skilled, one. Moments later I felt the bullet leave my flesh and heard its plink as it was dropped into a glass jar.

"Well done Miz Ranson." This voice was soft and male. Something tugged at my memory but I chose to ignore its soft pressure. I didn't need the unnecessary thoughts cluttering my mind right now.

Suddenly a lightning stab of pain from my side completely destroyed all covalent thoughts I possessed. My heart raced as I fought to hold back a groan of agony. I usually wasn't this receptive to pain but then, usually I hadn't been shot twice.

The female doctor sounded worried as she said, "His heart rate is increasing doctor. I think the sedatives and anesthetics are wearing off. We shouldn't continue the surgery until his heart rate goes back to normal and he has been administered more-"

The cool male cut her panic off abruptly. "Did I ask for your opinion Ranson? You will continue with the surgery and if he happens to feel it, well, that's his problem."

I went against my previous decision and focused on the man's voice determined not to make a sound. I fucking knew that voice! Maybe it had been a while but it was so goddamned familiar that I should know exactly who it was.

Beeping sounds from the monitors got faster as the pain from the woman's blade cut into my side, ever searching for the elusive bullet. I couldn't help but writhe from the pain which of course only deepened the incision. I felt her blade pull away.

"Doctor, I mean it. I can't operate on the patient if he keeps squirming." Relief came hot and fast as my heart rate started to go down. No more, please.

"Shut up Amy! I know what is best!" The doctor yelled. My stomach dropped once more as anger flowed from my brain. This doctor clearly wanted to make this process as painful as possible for me, but why? What had I ever done?

Well, you know besides killing hundreds of people in cold blood.

That really did put a huge fucking damper on my relationships with other people now that I think about it.

"I will not repeat myself Ranson." His cold voice was already back to its soft lilting pitch that rose the hairs on my neck.

The girl's voice was tight and forced as she said, "Very well Doctor."

Chilled hands touched my face as the scalpel re-entered my flesh. Long graceful fingers with long sharp nails trailed up my jawline. A diggit casually probed the cuts of my smile and with childish curiosity the rest traced it, nails digging in and leaving long scratches that burned.

The hand at last reached my eyes and the mask was pulled off, revealing the creator of my torment. He was tall thin and heavily illuminated by the high power lamps surrounding the surgical table. They cast his face into deep shadows that wavered over his face like water.

He wore a long white coat that looked so cliched it wasn't even funny. His hair was covered by a surgical cap and his mouth and nose were hidden by a mask. A striped scarf was tucked beneath the lab coat, a single personal touch to the doctors outfit,

His eyes caught mine and held them. I noticed their dark striking green at once as it reminded me of how vividly my eyes used to shine. The richer undertones of tender hatred curled up from their depths.

"Jeffrey Woods." His voice dripped and flowed around me easing the pain somehow but also making it worse as well. "Age: Eighteen. Serial killer," He looked over his clipboard at me. "Criminally insane."

I gave a painful grin, determined not to give in just yet. "It will be my pleasure to kill you." I looked to where the girl was hard at work fishing a bullet out of my side.

Amy glanced over at my face and shivered. "Stop staring at me."

I laughed through the agony. It was shrill and grating but it was a laugh all the same. "That's all I can do my dear."

"Curious." It came from one of the many doctors in the room around me. "Would you care to elaborate on that?"

"Sure thing!" I feigned enthusiasm much to the alarm of all gathered. "You see, when I was young I decided it would be a good idea to get myself burnt to an extra crispy Jeff then I finished up my new look by burning my fucking eyelids off and cutting a smile into my face so I would always be happy!" The sounds of pencils scribbling away at clipboards filled the air.

"Is it true you killed your family?" Another man asked.

Forced grin plastered to my face I answered. "Why yes I did. It was a grisly affair and the police should be thankful I went to the trouble of burning it to the ground so they'd be spared the clean up."

Hands were now raised in the air as if these trained doctors and psychologists we little children in school waiting to be called on.

The doctor behind me gestured for them to speak.

"Can you feel pain?"

"Do you kill because it's fun or because you need to?"

"Were you abused as a child?"

I listened to their questions as I gazed at Amy. "You know, it would be amusing to kill you." I mused aloud.

Amy cast another fearful glance at me. "Put his eye mask back on. I can't finish this surgery with those eyes watching me."

The doctor chuckled mirthlessly and, with those delicate fingers, slipped the eye mask back on me. Once darkness claimed my vision once more the pain grew in intensity. I held still knowing it was almost over.

Plink. The second bullet was dropped into the glass jar. Practiced fingers stitched up the wound then Amy's soft voice whispered, "Done, Sir."

"Excellent." He purred. "You can sedate him now. After all, the surgery's over."

Amy cleared her throat. "I'm not sure that makes sense Sir but okay."

I barely registered the prick of the needle as unseen hands administered the sedatives. I was just thankful to be free of the unbearable agony at last.

"Sweet dreams, Jeffrey." Whispered the doctor.

So familiar...


A/N: And the writer's shakes are gone!!! I have a Roleplay to finish!

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