Forgive part 1

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A/N: O.o More people have read this story here than on Thank you so much everyone. I'm really trying to write more so hopefully I will finish part 2 of this soon. Enjoy!

Jane's Pov

When I woke up the next morning, it was to Smile in my face. He sat on my chest pinning me to the the bed. Seeing that I was awake at last, he licked my face.

"Aw Smile, come on!" I protested, but there was no real weight to it. I didn't particularly want to have my head bitten off.

He woofed softly and rolled off of me, curling up by the wall. I carefully stepped out of my bed and got dressed. I would have rather had Smile leave before that, but I couldn't think of a way to make him go anywhere. He was almost the same size as I was. I threw on my new hoodie and sleepily walked out my door, making sure to leave it open so Smile could get out.

Yawning, I walked down the stairs. I couldn't help but feel annoyed at the fact that, unlike last night, the stairs didn't make a sound. I looked down Jeff's hallway.It was quiet, so I continued down the stairs only to have someone wrap their arms around my waist and whisper, "Good morning, Jane." It sent shivers down my spine.

I elbowed Jeff in the stomach. He released me. "Keep your fucking hands off me, Jeff." I hissed.

He barked out a laugh. "Jane, Jane, Jane. Tisk, tisk. You need a new sense of humor." He ran his hands through my hair teasingly. "But you should know I don't mind the one you have now at all."

"Shut up!" I felt heat rise to my face. "Don't say things like that! I'm still going to kill you."

"Admit it, Jane. You can't kill me." His words burned in my gut. It made me want to stab his eyes out. "You like me too much."

I can and I will kill you. Tonight. I hurried away from Jeff in a huff and ran into the Puppeteer.

"Hey Jane," Puppet deftly caught me and set me back on my feet. "This is certainly an interesting way of saying good morning."

"She was just running away from me." Jeff called from above me.

Puppet laughed. "God, Jeff. You really need to learn how to treat a woman." He winked at me.

A grudging smile crept across my face and I smacked him, but I did it gently because I kind of agreed with him. "Shut up." I walk around him and finish my descent down the stairs.

I was met with Sally and Ben arguing heatedly. "Ben, I don't want a cookie instead of Charlie! Where did you put him?" Sally had large tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm not giving it back to you! Why do you even need that stupid animal?" Ben asked in annoyance.

"Charlie needs me! He will be sad without me." Sally wailed.

"Alright." I step between the two squabbling siblings. "What happened?"

Sally clutched at my dress and looked up at me with those big green eyes. "Ben stole Charlie and won't give him back!" She sniffled. "I miss Charlie."

"I didn't steal him! I borrowed him. I'll give him back." Ben looked away and I knew immediately he wasn't telling the whole truth.

"Ben, sweetie, what did you do with her teddy bear?" I asked calmly. I had no idea what had possessed me to help solve their dispute, but it was too late to back out now.

"Fine." He folded his arms across his chest and glared at the floor. "I hid him."


"I lost him, okay!" He looked at me with true remorse in his eyes. "I was going to just hide him, but I don't remember where I put him."

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