A Last Hello Part 2

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I stared at Jeff, feeling as if my world had just fallen back into alignment. An abrupt and unexpected urge to slap him overcame me and my hand shot out before I could think twice about it. I slapped him across the face as tears leaked from my eyes and I cried in overwhelming anger, "Jeff, if you ever do that again, I will fucking kill you!"

Even though it sounded painful Jeff laughed. "I missed you too Jane."

I laughed wetly, he nearly died and yet he still has the nerve- Throwing my arms around Jeff, I let loose a sob into his stiff strait jacket. "My god, you are such a smart ass. I thought you were fucking dead. Do you even understand what you've put me through?"

"I haven't exactly had an easy time of it either." His words reminded me of the state he was in and I leapt back in embarrassed guilt.

"What have they done to you?" I asked softly. "I didn't think they tortured people around here."

Laughter hissed through his teeth. "Torture is putting it mildly. Another day and I'd be dead." His expression softened. "I didn't think you'd actually come for me. After the proxies' little jaunt to this hellhole Slenderman made it clear that we weren't to go back."

Curiosity welled up at his comment but I quelled it. "Technically, Slenderman forbid me to save you but technically, I'm not a rule follower." I looked at my hands and mumbled, "And I couldn't just leave you here." I looked at him and realized he was still bound in a strait jacket. "I can free you..."

"What are you standing around for then?" Jeff asked incredulously. "If Liu finds us-"

"Wait what?" I stare at him opened mouthed. "Your brother did this to you?" I hurried to fuss with the straps in an attempt to free him. "Fuck it." I muttered under my breath. "I'm just going to slice through this thing." I reached behind me, grabbed Jeff's knife and started to saw through the jacket. The material provided as much resistance as butter. "I can't believe he would do something like this."

"Yeah, he's not my favorite person in the world." Jeff muttered. "He's gonna be pissed when he finds out I'm gone." I finished slicing and dicing his restraints put the hilt of his knife in his hand and started to back off, expecting him to move but instead of getting to his feet he pulled me into a hug. "I swear Jane, the hardest part of this month has been missing you. If I'm not thinking about you I'm dreaming about you." His voice was hoarse as he held me flush against himself. "I know you're probably not going to like this Jane but I'm in love you."

I sucked in a breath at those words. More tears streamed down my face as I whispered, "I think I'm in love with you too."

He pulled back to stare at me in shock. "You don't hate me anymore?"

I shook my head mutely. In the back of my mind I knew I should hate him still. He killed my parents, ruined my life, and bested me when we had fought, acted like a bastard and left me when I needed him most but it honestly didn't matter anymore. Nothing mattered anymore but the fact that I had finally found my place: at Jeff's side.

"Don't forget your knife." I said with a grin. "I was planning on hiding it for a month but I'm nicer than some people I know."

"It took you a whole fucking month to find your knife?" He asked with a laugh. "That's really, really sad Jane."

"Hey," I threw my hands up. "In my defense Smile had been sleeping on it."

He grinned. "It was Ben's idea to hide it under your mattress. I just took him seriously."

Two Broken Minds (A Jeff the Killer x Jane the Killer fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now