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 A/N: What is this? An epilogue?

But Minty, you gasp the story's over! Well dear readers, I'm slightly drunk off of sleep deprivation hence I'm talking to you and writing this... Epilogue, if you will. I must warn you, this isn't going to tell you much about Jeff and Jane's story; rather, it will give you a peek into the mind of another, almost equally important character.

I give you: Amy, written in the second person perspective. (For reasons)


"Who are you?" You croak out.

The man's smile is long and cruel. "I am Doctor Liu my dear. Don't you remember me?"

No, you think in resigned despondence. I don't remember anything.

"Don't trouble yourself. Your memories might never come back after brain trauma that extensive." His soothing whisper relaxes you.

"Who am I then?" You ask without any real interest.

"Your name is Amy. Amy Ranson." Liu says brightly.

That actually sparks your interest. Amy... you aren't sure if the name fits but, because you don't have anything better to go on, you run with it. "My name is Amy."

"Good." Liu nods encouragingly. "You were my assistant before your... Accident." His scared face takes on a pained look.

Assistant... Accident...

The silky tendrils of sleep release you from the dream and into the reality of your warm room and soft bed. You flip over restlessly trying to shake the old memory from you mind. Up until the serial killer known in the media as Jeff the killer and to the Institution's computer system as patient #66, you had been reasonably sure of who you were. After the 'tragic' death of doctor Liu that was given coverage then covered up, you find yourself questioning the story Liu had told you about your past. Yesterday you had reached an all-time low in questioning the validity of your own name.

Not that you had possessed much time to contemplate it. Without you being any the wiser, Liu had made sure that, in the event something happened to him, all the internal workings of the Institution fell to you. On top of that stress, you were dealing with all the investigation of what went on inside the building itself. Exposing the horrors that went on inside its grey walls had become one of your biggest priorities, second only to turning the whole operation into a humane organization. You were not only fighting against the authorities that were trying to shut the place down but the scientists working inside the Institution who were bent on it staying the same. It was enough to give anyone a headache.

Especially if that someone was also struggling with an identity crisis. Sure, Liu had said your memories might never return but somehow you are now feeling like everything since that accident a year ago has been a carefully constructed lie. Who was going to prove that you had actually worked in the Institution for any length of time before your accident? Only Liu's most trusted coworkers were adamant about backing up his story and computer files could be forged. You had even been moved to a new flat after the accident, supposedly to prevent any bad memories from resurfacing but it could have been because there hadn't been a first place.

You press your face into your down pillow and scream silently into its cotton coverslip. This past week has been enough to drive you mad. At last you force your mind to the less stressful topic of the escaped serial killer and his killer girlfriend. Oddly enough, this musing serves to calm you down. You can't help but hope that both Jeff and Jane survived the ordeal.

Two Broken Minds (A Jeff the Killer x Jane the Killer fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now