Left Behind Part 2

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A/N: I feel the need to warn you, Sally goes a little crazy in this part. Sorry if you don't like it.

My hand trembled as I reached for my door but I forced it to steady. Sally didn't need to see me in such a mess any more than was absolutely necessary. I had spent a good two hours at the front door just crying. Everyone had tried to comfort me but it was all in vain.

The weight of losing Jeff had been just too great. Perhaps it had been selfish, everyone else had, after all, lost Jeff as well. It wasn't just my pain but I had acted like it was anyway. God, I really could be a bitch.

At some point I had run out of tears to cry and had gone upstairs. I had finally pulled myself together again. Sure my breathing was still ragged and I felt like I had swallowed shattered glass but I wasn't crying anymore and I'd be damned if I broke down again.

I opened the creaky door to reveal Sally, sitting on the floor in her pajamas, legs crossed and looking at nothing. The moment I crossed the threshold of the door her head snapped up. As she stared at me with those big green eyes she sniffled. I noted the tear tracks on her face but said nothing. There was nothing left to say, nothing left to comfort her with that hadn't already failed at comforting me.

Still fighting to control my shaking I collapsed onto my bed and curled up facing her. She turned to face me and watched me closely. At first her attention unnerved me but soon I accepted that she wasn't going to look away and resolved to sleep anyway. Just as my eyes started to close Sally spoke.

"Jane, don't go to sleep." My eyes cracked open and I gazed blearily at the small girl before me. She had a beseeching look on her face as she whispered, "Jane, you have to do something about Jeff." Sally's words hardly stirred my mire of sadness.

"Like what? I can't do anything." I muttered sourly struggling to ignore the prayer in her eyes. "I'm useless."

"No you're not, Masky's wrong." I close my eyes so I don't have to meet Sally's imploring gaze.

"I wish that was true sweetie, I wish it was." The weariness in my voice only served to remind me how weak I was. I couldn't even survive losing one person.

"Open your eyes Jane!" I did so, startled at the commanding inflections in her voice. "You're not weak, you're strong!" Sally moved from the floor to her bed, which she curled up on, still staring at me with an almost accusatory air. "It's up to you to save Jeff. You have to!" "Oh?" I tried not to let my misery show. "Why is that? Why should I do anything for Jeff? What has he done to deserve me throwing my life away for his?"

Sally's sniffle instantly caused me to regret my words. "Jeff's like my brother Jane, I need him! We need him! He's so important to the people here."

I scoffed. "They sure abandoned him quickly enough."

"They're scared Jane, but you don't have the same reservations. That's why you need to do this! You need to save him."

I screwed my eyes shut tight against her words. How was I supposed to save anyone? I was useless! "I can't do it Sally!" I whisper brokenly, "I wish I could I really do but I can't."

"Yes you can!"

"No I can't." I opened my eyes and stared at the small girl. She struggled to sit up in bed and glanced down at her hand as if reading something.

"Oh Jane, be strong and have great-" She squinted at her palm. "Does that say corsage?" Sally let out a grunt of exasperation. "Fuck it, Jane you're going to save Jeff."

Two Broken Minds (A Jeff the Killer x Jane the Killer fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora