Mistakes Part 4

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Cold white walls. Padded and patchy like the floor I rested on.

My head pounded as I regained consciousness once more. My arms were restrained by what I guessed was a straight jacket. A padded plastic mask covered my eyes keeping me from seeing what was around me. I figured that, if I wanted to, I could get off the floor and stumble around blindly until I hit something but my bones refused to comply with the idea. Different parts of my mind mutinied against others, keeping me still.

As I sat there, sprawled against a wall, I felt something dark and ravenous build inside of me. It ripped at my insides viciously, pulling out the plugs of my mind as it flailed and ate away at my reality. It barreled through most everything but it left one terrible feeling accompanied by one beautiful thought. A single name.

As the hollow loneliness consumed me that perfect name escaped my lipless mouth.

"Jane..." It escaped as a breathy moan that took flight from me like a butterfly. It flew around the room before at last dissipating into nothingness. I wished it would come back and bring the real Jane with it, sadly it did not comply to my hope.

"So, our dear little killer is awake." It was that doctor's voice and it seemed to emanate from all around me leading me to believe it was coming from some sort of speaker and not from a present being.

"What do you want from me." I pushed the words through clenched teeth. I searched around even though I had a mask on. The man's voice was so familiar that is infuriated me.

"I could ask the same of you Jeffrey. After all I'm the one running the analysis on you." His voice came out a choked laugh, as though some old injury pained him.

I couldn't help but let out an infuriated, "I know you!" Immediately I wanted to take those words back. I should never have let on that I knew him but it was too late now.

"I know you too Jeffrey. Why do you think you ended up here?" His voice was a dangerous silk, softly slipping over my skin and making me shiver.

"Because I'm a psycho?" I asked with the smallest touch of fear. Dammit my fearlessness was making me careless. It's probably not a good idea to piss off your captors.

"Ha! You've always had a loose tongue haven't you Jeff." His voice was laced with humor I failed to find funny.

"And how the fuck would you know that?" I lashed out in anger. "You only just met me."

"Oh but that is where you are wrong." The doctor cooed. "I've been tracking you for a long time although I must admit, it was pure chance that we caught you. If you had tried to kill anyone else you would have succeeded. If any other task force had caught you, you would have ended up in prison. And yet." He paused for added effect. "Fate brought you to me."

"Fuck fate." I muttered. Then louder, "Where am I?"

"In a padded cell Jeffrey dear!" He sing-songed. "Don't ask silly questions."

Grinding my teeth together I tried to dislodge the eye mask but to no avail. The doctor's laughter informed my I looked like an idiot.

"You know Jeff, I always knew you would end up like this. Like a mouse in a maze." His voice sounded distant as if he was drifting off into his memories.

I felt frustration build up in my veins but I had no release. "What do you want from me?" I screamed, trying to ignore the pressure in my head.

"Why to perform tests on you of course." He laughed in much the same way I always did but for the hitch at the end.

Two Broken Minds (A Jeff the Killer x Jane the Killer fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now