Left Behind part 1

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A/N: I feel like this fanfiction is my child and it's about to go off to college. I don't want to see it leave but IT NEEDS TO! 



"Don't go to sleep, you won't wake up." The words were a whisper as the knife fell, plunging into the middle age woman. Dying breaths soon faded and I was left with the same fierce euphoria that always engulfed me after a kill.

Soon however, it vanished, leaving only this awful feeling that I had been unable to shake all month. Part of my problem was that I still didn't have my knife. I held up the stolen kitchen knife and snorted in disgust. The fucking thing was already dull and I had just picked it up from two houses down. I was tempted to just leave it here but my second thoughts reminded me not to be an idiot. Just throw the piece of shit in the river Jane.

Breaking into a run, I streaked down the stairs and back out into the night air. As I breathed in I felt something grab my heart and twist it painfully. This last month had been pure torment. Everyone at first had told me not to worry, he always came back but as weeks turned to a month the chances of him just showing up were slim.

Where are you Jeff? I wondered sadly. Having given up convincing myself I didn't miss him, I felt my depression deepen. I wished Jeff would just show up one night, waltzing through the door with a signature cackle and devilish grin hopefully holding my knife in his hand.

I was sick of stealing new knives every other day. It was practically impossible to kill someone with something new. God I wanted Jeff to get back.

Sure I really did want my knife back but it was honestly more than that. Over these weeks I had, and it hurt to admit it, developed feelings for him.

Shit. It still sounded weird.

Without Jeff here nothing was nearly as fun. Constantly bored out of my mind, I had tried to find other methods of entertainment but you could only play so many games with Sally and as for video games with Ben? Well, let's just say I wasn't going to win any achievements for my skill.

I raced back into the woods trying to escape the sadness. Sadly this only served to remind me of Jeff even more. Fucking hell, the bastard just would not leave me alone. Although it hadn't been particularly pleasant. I still treasured the memory of us traipsing through the woods, me, trying desperately to escape and Jeff, not even giving a shit.

Why is it every time I think about that night do I want to reach into the past and grab Jeff? Sure he might be a bit confused but at least he would definitely be alive. As I passed the sluggish little stream running through the woods I tossed the knife into its murky bottom. Sure the police would find it but hopefully all traces of me would be gone. I called out to the mansion and it grudgingly pulled me through to 'Slender's dimension'. Pain covered me but I ignored it in favor of another memory.

When Jeff had first vanished I hadn't missed him. It had been Hoodie, of all people, who had pointed out why I was so upset.

I had been waiting by the door as I so often did at a certain time of night. I sort of expected Jeff to just walk through the door, drenched in blood, with a ridiculous grin on his face. Of course he never did but something in me hadn't been able to just accept that and move on. Jeff would come back and everything would be ok but one more night was passing and he still wasn't home.

"You miss him don't you." Hoodie had said quietly from behind me.

I had spun quickly almost dropping my mask from my fidgeting fingers. "N-no! Why would you think I would miss that bastard?"

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