Talk(part two)

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We broke through the tree covering at last and I looked up at the house fondly. Its wooden walls were made of old weathered planks and the roof of cracked pieces of slate. The porch was long, creaky in appearances and did not look safe but I walked up their stairs unconcerned. Jane followed at a more lurching pace, nervous about the surroundings and, most likely, me. I reached a hand to the door and was about to knock when the door swung inwards and I was hit with a gale force hug.

"Jeff! You're back!" Sally cried joyfully. I bent down and lifted the eight year old up till she could easily wrap her arms around my neck. I returned the hug then I ruffled her feathery brown hair. She looked at me with her bright green eyes and wiped a drop of the blood that was constantly leaking from the fatal head wound given to her by her uncle with the back of one of her small hands. "Me and Smile missed you Jeff."

"I'm sorry for not visiting sooner darling. I had-" I turned to Jane with a grin. "Other arrangements." twisted my neck back around to Sally who was holding Jane's knife and examining it as if she had never seen one before.

"This isn't your knife Jeff." She looked at me like I had grown another eye. "You never use another knife."

I laughed at her adorable confusion. "It isn't mine darling. That particular knife belongs to Jane right here."

Sally looked over my shoulder and shot Jane a death stare. "Where did she come from? How do you know we can trust her Jeff?"

I laughed again. "We can't trust her. She has promised to stab me in the back at the first opportunity!" Jane shifted uncomfortably from left to right.

"Oh that's okay then!" Sally exclaimed happily. She squirmed her way out of my arms and ran over to Jane. Jane took a nervous step back but in the end was no match for Sally's hug. "We are going to be great friends!"

Jane looked at me as if begging for help. I smirked in response and said to Sally, "Come on darling, let's take Jane inside."

Sally looked back at me and smiled showing off the little space where a baby tooth had fallen out before her death and was never replaced. "Okay Jeff." She finally released Jane and grabbed my hand intent on pulling me inside. I let her drag me away only after turning to make certain that Jane was following us.

Once inside I was met with red light and a familiar musty odor that hinted at blood and air that wasn't properly disturbed. I studied Jane's face carefully as Sally babbled on about this and that and 'oh we've all missed you!'. Jane was obviously out of her element and it amused me to see her so on edge, how it allowed me to see another one of her faces.

Banging sounds emanated from the upstairs and a small boy in green with black eyes ran down the stairs and into Sally. "Ben!" Sally wailed. "Look where you're going!"

"Sorry." Ben dusted himself off and moved the messy blond hair from his face. He then took in the occupants of the room with narrowed eyes that soon found the one that didn't belong. He stared up at Jane with an annoyed and confused expression. "Da fuck are you?"

"Ben!" Sally cried in horror, "Don't say things like that! That's a bad word. You could have just asked who she was normally." She looked up at Jane with a penitent expression. "I'm sorry about my brother. He learned bad words from Jeff."

"Hey." I exclaimed with mock offence. "Don't blame me! I only use them sometimes and only when they're useful." Technically it was true. I just found more uses for them than most people. "I would just love to discuss my word usage but Jane has an appointment with the boss." I winked at Ben and Sally and they grinned in understanding.

"Well don't let us detain you." Ben bowed exaggeratedly for us and moved aside.

"Don't let him eat Jane, Jeff." Sally moved too but her compliance was clearly more reluctant than her brothers.

Two Broken Minds (A Jeff the Killer x Jane the Killer fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz