The Touch

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GRADUATION DAY. Everybody was looking forward to this day. All except one.. Althea. Not that she did not want to graduate and enter another phase of her life but she's too scared. She is dead scared of facing what's ahead of her - alone. Although she is independent and does things by herself, she always know that her family especially her mom is just there to support her. Her mom wants her to study in BAGUIO. A place more or less 250kilometers ayaw from home. A place where she know no one. Her graduation day signifies the day she has to start facing this fear.

They were seated at their designated seat and she was sitting beside her friend, Batchi.

"Kamusta? Grabe nkakaexcite! College na tayo." Batchi said excitedly with a huge smile on her face.

"Oo nga e. Nkakaexcite. *sigh*" Althea replied with a fake excitement trying to mask the negative feelings she presently have. She was successful in her effort because Batchi continued talking about her excitement, her plans, the girls she will date.

"Tsong sabi nila marami daw les at bi dun sa baguio. Malamang masaya lovelife ko nito" said Batchi. By the way, Batchi is a lesbian. A butch to be more specific. She merely wears the prescribe school uniform of blouse and skirt for lack of choice.

After the graduation rites Althea had a good dinner with her family. Everyone was expressing their excitement for her. Baguio is such a cool place and everyone thought she was as excited as they all were. She was able to maintain the fake smile the whole time. She was really happy to be with her family. She loves them so much. Her world revolves around them. Her dreams are all for them, especially her mom. She is as a matter of fact excited to go to college, but the distance of her school is the one that concerns her. Although she looks tough on the outside, she is as soft as a mallow on the inside. She wants to back out from studying in baguio but she knows that it will make her mom sad so she remained quiet and kept her apprehensions to herself. After the dinner, she decided not to think about baguio for the whole summer. She will make the most of her time with her family and so she did.

Summer quickly went by. It was already May and it was time for Althea to enroll. Accompanied by her mom, they went to baguio for enrollment and to look for a boarding house. Good thing that Batchi is also going to Baguio and she already looked for a boarding house. It was a big house with lots of room. Althea and batchi got a room they will share.

Classes will start in three days so Althea and Batchi decided to go up to Baguio to get acquainted with the place before classes officially starts. They also meet the other boarders in their boarding house and easily made friends with them.

But there is one person introduced to them, her name's Jade. She has long her, slender body, but her eyes where somehow black and as deep as the ocean.

"Hi!" Althea

"Hi." Jade

"Anong couse mo? Ako economics." Althea

"Bio." Jade

Jade's anwers were really short and gave Althea the impression that she isnt interested in talking to her. Althea did not know why she suddeenly felt different with Jade around. She wasnt sure what she's feeling though its sure is strong. A strong feeling that somehow make her think of Jade but she does not know how. Jade was timid and do not join group hang outs so it was impossible for Althea to spend time with her and bond. Everytime all the boarders will hang out Althea will always try to invite Jade.

"Hey. Sama ka. Labas tau. Kain or coffee. Tara!" Althea

"No thanks im good. Next time." Jade

The next time..

"Jade tara hangout tayo. Bonding lang. Friday naman. Lika na join us." Althea

Meant to be - a RaStromfanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon