New Barista

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*Jack's POV*

It was a slow day in the bar. Emily was off at one of her charity events that she had been working on with Charlotte. Carl was playing upstairs in his playpen, and I had the door open so I could hear if he started crying. I was pouring myself a shot of tequilla when Lexi walked in. I hadn't seen her since the party when we got back from our honeymon a week ago. She was wearing a crop top that showed her cleavage and the shortest jean shorts I had ever seen. She really was quite attractive, but she wouldn't have been my type even if I wasn't married to her sister. 

"Hey. Jack, right?" She said, cominig and sitting on the bar stool closest to where I was standing. 

"Yeah, that's right. Lexi, is it?" I said, wanting to make sure I remembered correctly. She nodded, smiling.

"I'll take a bloody mary," she said. 

"How old are you?" I said. She couldn't possibly have been any older than 19.

"I'm 22. Do you want to see some ID?" She said. 

"I'm required to see some ID when you look that young," I said. She pulled out her driver's license, and sure enough, she was 22.  I shrugged and started mixing her a bloody mary. 

"Slow day?" She asked, looking around. 

"Yeah, all the women who are usually here are at Emily's foundation party," I said. 

"So you call her Emily? Even though when you knew her years ago she was Amanda Clarke?" Lexi said. 

"Yeah, well, I was married to her best friend before her. Her legal name was Amanda Clarke. Still is. She's the mother of my kid. And she's dead. So it's a little strange to call Emily Amanda," I said, throwing back my head and drinking the shot. 

"Makes sense. Does this place get any busier?" she asked. 

"On weekends. Every evening. If you'll notice, it is the middle of the day," I said. 

"True. Looking to hire anyone?" She asked. 

"I've thought about it. Emily doesn't really help me much. She does when she's not too busy. But I could use the help. On weekends," I said. 

"Well, then hire me. My mom is serious about staying here, and I need a job to put myself through school since she won't work. I'd love to work weekends and evenings that you need me," she said. 

"Really? I'd have to pay you minimum wage," I said. 

"I'll take it, boss. And I promise I won't let our relationship get weird. I mean, you're my half brother in law, but when I'm working, you're just my boss," she said. 

"Umm...Ok. You start tomorrow. Tomorrow is Saturday. That gets really busy. I can handle tonight by myself," I said. 

"Alright. I'll just sit here and observe tonight," she said.

"Sounds good, Lexi. I'm glad to have you. And if Emily's not, I'll talk to her," I said, smiling and cleanng out my shot glass. 

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