Deal With The Devil

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*Emily's POV*

I walked around the room, speaking to everyone I possibly could that had attended the funeral. I managed to avoid Daniel for most of the reception, but I could tell he was watching me the entire time. And a part of me felt terrible that I actually still had some buried feelings for him. They were nothing compared to Jack, but I had to make sure it didn't grow into something greater. 

"Hello, Lexi. How are you?" I said, smiling as my half-sister walked up to me. 

"How am I? How are you? You're the one that just lost her father. I'm so sorry. I know how it feels," she said, hugging me. I was caught completely off guard, and it took me a moment to remember I should hug her back. 

"I'm dealing with it. I already thought I lost him, so I don't know why it's so hard this time around," I said, smiling, fighting back the tears.

"Well, I'm going to go get to the cake before anyone else. Please let me know if you need anything," she said, smiling at me and squeezing my hand before turning and leaving. 

"She's a great girl. If you ever need to talk to anyone, she's a great listener. She got that from me," my mother said, walking up to me. 

"Kara. Thank you for coming," I said, finally hugging her. I caught her off guard. 

"I'm never going to be Mom, am I?" She said. 

"I went nearly my whole life without a mom. I don't think I can start having one now. But I'm done being angry with you for almost killing me," I said. 

"Well, baby steps, I guess," she said. There was an awkward silence. 

"Well, I feel like I've been here too long. People always wonder why the exes show up at funerals, so I should probably go. It was nice seeing you again...Emily," she said. 

"Thank you for coming," I said, as she hugged me again and walked out of the room. I sighed and walked over to Charlotte, who was standing by all the flowers. 

"Hey, Char. How are you doing?" I asked.

"I just don't get why some of these people sent flowers. I mean look at this. 'We'll miss you're amazing smile, David. I always believed in you-Martha from 4th grade.' She didn't even stay in contact with him, and now she's sending flowers to us for his death? I mean, some of these people are just trying to get noticed by us. Because I'm a Grayson, and you're a famous socialite. I mean, this is just a game to them," she said. 

"I know. I guess it's the thought that counts," I said. 

"And this one. 'David. I'm sorry the world ever doubted you. You're a great man.-John Dylan.' I don't even know who this is," Charlotte said. 

"Oh my god," I said, reading one of the flowers notes. 

"What?" Charlotte said, coming closer to read it. 

"'David Clarke, I don't believe you are innocent. It's a good thing my associate ran into your car before you did any more damage-Conrad.' Charlotte who the hell is this?" I read. 

"I don't know. Someone targeted Dad?" Charlotte said, her eyes wide and panicky. 

"Stay calm. We don't know what happened. Let's just...umm...take this to the police," I said. 

"Of course. Oh my god. I hope he wasn't killed on purpose.  Who could do such a thing?" She said, tears starting to roll down her cheeks. 

"Someone who wanted David Clarke out of the picture for a very long time," I said. 

"Emily you don't think my dad could have possibly done this, do you?" Charlotte asked. 

"Charlotte, Conrad is dead. Our father killed him. There's no possible way he could have done this," I ssaid. 

"But the note was from Conrad," Charlotte said, panic still dripping in her voice. 

"I know. We'll let the police figure it out," I said. 

"Emily, where are you going?" Jack asked, catching up with us. 

"Read this," I said. He did. 

"who the hell would do this?" He asked. 

"We're taking it to the police. Right now," I said. 

"I'll drive. I left Carl with my mother," Jack said. 

"Your mom is in town?" I asked. 

"Yeah, she flew in late last night. She came here today and surprised me. She still hasn't warmed up to you much," Jack said. 

"Yeah, well, she still thinks I'm a horrible bitch," I muttered under my breath. 

"Well, your mom tried to drown you. I think they're pretty much tied," Jack said. 

"True," I smiled. 

"Can we please hurry?" Charlotte said. 

"Of course. Hop in," Jack said, holding the door open for us. 

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