Double Roommates

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*Emily's POV*

It was about three months after the appointment where I found out I was having twins-one of Daniel's and one of Jack's. Things in the bar had gotten a bit different. Carl was becoming a very cultured little boy. He would walk into the bedroom late at night if he was having a nightmare, and would snuggle in between me and Jack. Somehow we didn't think there was any way he couldn't notice Daniel sleeping on the other side of me. 

As soon as I had started showing, the news was all over the situation. Jack, Daniel and I had decided to be completely honest about it. We had become the black sheep of the Hamptons. Everyone else ws horrified that Daniel could do such a thing, and that Jack was still married to me. I was the worst of all; the married woman carrying her husband and her other lover's children at the same time. 

"Why don't we just move somewhere else?" Daniel said one evening. 

"Somewhere else?" Jack said, nearly chocking on his turkey. Carl remained silent, but I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't want to go anywhere. 

"Daniel, Jack and I grew up here. You did too, for that matter. It's not as simple as picking up and moving somewhere else," I said. 

"But don't you agree that it's a little crowded living over this bar? If you aren't comfortable with anything I suggest, then I'll shut up and stay here, but isn't there someplace we can go, close to here even where we can all come to work at the bar, but there's still room for Carl and the kids to have rooms of their own?" Daniel said. 

"Emily's old house. Next to the remains of Grayson Manor," Jack suggested. 

"You're ok with leaving here?" I asked him. 

"Daniel's right. There's not enough room to raise three kids here. We need more space. The beachhouse has plenty of room. There are three bedrooms. So Carl and my child can have one, and Daniel's child can have the other one," Jack said. 

"Why can't the twins share a bedroom?" I asked him. 

"Come on. I'm already letting him live with us. He's sleeping in the same bed as me and you. We're the ones that are married Emily. I'm extending him a courtesy just by letting him be here. I don't want my child sharing a bedroom with his," Jack said. 

"Jack, they're twins. I get it. They have different fathers. But they're twins. They're going to be born at the same time. They're sharing a womb. I want them to share a bedroom, too. Plus, what if yours is a girl? When the kids get older, Carl isn't going to want to share his room with a girl, and neither is she," I said. 

"This wouldn't be a problem if my mother hadn't burned down Grayson Manor," Daniel mumbled. 

"That's it! With our combined money, we rebuild Grasyon Manor. We call it something else. But that's where we can live. In the meantime, until it's rebuilt, the twins share a bedroom and Carl gets his own at the beachhouse," I said. 

"Fine. But Grasyon Manor better be rebuilt before the twins find out who their Daddys are, because I don't want them sharing a room like that," Jack said. 

"Jack, they're still going to be close, whether or not they have the same father," I said. 

"I understand where Jack is coming from. It's a little uncomfortable for all of us," Daniel said. 

"Says the man who tried to steal my wife from me," Jack said. 

"That was uncalled for," I said. 

"Ems, we're going to have issues if we live together like this. Will you let us work it out?" Jack said.

"Maybe you can work it out after Carl goes to bed," I said, eyeing him. Jack nodded and pushed his turkey around his plate with his fork. 

"Daddy, why does he live with us?" Carl asked Jack, pointing to Daniel, who turned red. 

"He's going to be one of the daddies of mommy's twins," Jack said. 

"How can a baby have two daddies?" Carl asked. 

"One of the babies is mine. The other one is Daniel's. Mommy's having twins," Jack said, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. 

"Unca Danny is having a baby?" Carl said. 

"Carl, Daniel is not your uncle," Jack said. 

"Unca Danny," Carl said stubornly. 

"Whatever. Let's get you in the bath," Jack said, reaching to pick Carl up. 

"No. Unca Danny do it," Carl said. 

"He is not your uncle. He will not be giving you a bath," Jack said. 

"Jack. Why don't you let him? Carl obviously likes him. Daniel could use the practice with kids," I said, looking to Daniel. Daniel looked at Carl and nodded at Jack. Jack sighed. 

"Fine. I guess since you're living with us, he's going to ask you to do more," Jack said. 

"Thanks, Jack. I promise I'm not trying to steal your son. Or your wife," He said. Jack nodded and sat back down, while Daniel picked Carl up and walked up the stairs into the apartment.

"I think I need a drink," Jack said. 

"Well, there's a bar right behind you," I said.

"I shouldn't drink in front of you," he said.

"Jack, please. I don't care if you drink or not. I know having Daniel here is a little hard for you," I said. 

"You could say that again," Jack said, getting up and pouring himself a shot. 

"Listen.  If you're not comfortable with moving to my dad's beachhouse, then we don't have to," I said. 

"No, I'm fine with it. I'm sick of this small apartment myself. But why can't Daniel have his own room and the kids get to share one?" Jack asked.

"Because. I thought you understood that I had feelings for Daniel, too?" I said. 

"I do get that! But I don't think we should all be in one bed. It's like a threesome every night. There's a reason three people all married to each other is illegal. It's like you want a polyploidy marriage or whatever, but insead of one guy and a bunch of girls, its one girl and a bunch of guys. It's uncomfortable," Jack said.

"I know it's uncomfortable for you. And I know it's a little weird for you when both of you are sleeping with your hands on my stomach and you touch each other. But why can't you get over it?" I said. 

"Because. You fall asleep in the exact middle every single night, but when I wake up, you're snuggled up against him and I can't even reach you. You subconciously choose him. Every single night," Jack said. 

"You know that doesn't mean anything," I said. 

"Oh, doesn't it? It has to mean something! It tells me what you're afraid to say to me out loud. It tells me that you've already chosen and you don't want to hurt my feelings," Jack said. 

"That is not what that means!" I said, but deep down, I knew he was right. I wanted Daniel. 

"I know you're lying to me! So stop yanking me around and just tell me the truth already! You want him! You're going to go to that beachhouse with only him and leave me here. Because you love him instead of me. Don't deny it! I know what you're thinking!" He yelled. I saw Daniel come to the top of the staircase, his shirt splattered with soapy bathwater and his hair spiked up from the gel he had put in that morning. "Are you going to deny it, or not?" Jack yelled.

"I'm sorry, Jack. I do love you. But I love him more," I whispered. 

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