Chapter 3

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Note: Chapter 3. So I may seem like I'm updating but the thing is I just post the old ones whenever I get around to actually posting. Haha. But I will most probably try to make a better ending this time.


Disclaimer: I do not own Batman the animated series, Batman, Teen Titans, etc

"What are you doing?" Barbara asked as Dick headed towards his room. "weren't you supposed to be doing something right about now?"

"I'm going to change." He says in a matter of fact way. he opened the door to his room, stepped in. Barbara paused outside the hall, staring at him through the doorway.


He turned around, and faced her, took a step forward, till' the only gap was a couple of inches or so. she realized how shorter she felt right about now. looking straight in his eyes.

"They'relooking…" he seemed to hesitate. Tilting his head thoughtfully, staring back, eyes blinking. "…for Robin….not me, not Dick Grayson"

"Oh…" she felt her cheeks burn, not because she forgot about that one fact, but because one more step and she'd be…well…

He blinked a couple of times again, as if something came to mind and he was blinking it away, shaking his head. biting back his lip, it seems. But before she could confirm that part he had turned away. She took a step closer to the door way, he slapped his hand on the other side of the doorway and was blocking her way with it.

"You're not gonna watch me change, are you?" he said, a smirk fighting its way on his face.

"u-uh…of course not! Like I'd want that!" she stage scoffed, and turned around. "I just thought you needed company."

"while I dress?" he choked back a laugh.

Barbara gave herself a mental kick. "No! stop being so self absorbed!"

"okay, whatever you say."

He closed the door.

Barbara made a sigh of relief.

It opened again, she stiffened.

"Oh, yeah, you should go get in gear as well."


"I need back up"

"Hah, this isn't one of your little battles-"

"Just do it!"

"Fine, I'll go make myself look pretty!" she said as an attempt for a joke.


Cyborg, Beastboy, Raven and Starfire were standing outside the house, looking like idiots as they tried to sneak around looking for Robin. Tiptoeing, and following the little red dot on Cyborg's computer. The dot, seemed to move around in the house, but they can't seem to get any sense of which way to go, since it was so big, and they were conscious, shouldn't security be up and on already?

And the weirdest bit of it was, minutes later, they were caught.

Right behind them was the butler, staring with calm eyes, and a straight face. Telling them to come inside.

"should we…?"Beastboy started.

"It would be suspicious if we hesitate, and maybe he can tell us where Robin is, or bring us to him." Cyborg said through a fake big smile.

They were led towards the living room, a huge comfy looking room, with a fireplace, and lots of comfy looking chairs. Beastboy couldn't help but let his jaw drop with awe.

"Mast-…ahm, Robin, we'll meet you shortly." Said the butler

"So Robin is here!" Cyborg said jumping up, ready to yell a boo-yah.

"Ah, yes, you have tracked him down…well." at that he let his eyes drop to the thing that lay on the living room table, Robin's communicator.

They had the urge to ask this man, who he was, and how he knew Robin, and why Robin was here to begin with, but they didn't really feel like it. They had just let the shock fill in them for a while, letting the answer come whenever. And it did…eventually.

Robin stopped for a moment, staring at Barbara-Batgirl. It's been a while since he saw her in that costume…

She looks great…

"Hah! Careful, Careful, your eyes might fall off"she laughed.

Robin shook his head. "Come on." he turned and marched towards the living room.

Batgirl followed, it seemed, gracefully.

Robin entered the living room, serious and silent. But Batgirl came with an entrance, almost knocking Robin over. She had on a huge smile. She posed, hands on her hips. "HEY ALL! What's up?"

Robin turned his head to look at her, if she could've seen his eyes then she's see him glaring. What's with the sudden character?

"Hey now…" Cyborg said, he had one eyebrow up, looking from Robin to Batgirl, who had one arm curled up with his.

"Robin. Man, where'd you-why's you…what?" Beastboy said. apparently this wasn't what they expected. who was that girl?

Batgirl smiled, noticing the looks on their confused faces. She held out her hand.

"Batgirl, one of Gotham's cuties, at your service." Cyborg shook hands with her, then Raven, Beastboy (-with dreaming eyes-), and Starfire who looked even more different. Robin who stood behind Batgirl, stared at her. His face was emotionless at first. Deep in thought. then he made an effort to smile. "Hi."

Star's eyes looked shocked, but she smiled too. "Hi!"

Batgirl pretended she didn't notice. "So, you're the infamous Titans! It's finally good to meet you!"

"Infamous?" Beastboy whispered to Raven, who grimaced.

"Robin, what's up? What are you doing in Wayne Manor?" Cyborg asked. Robin massaged the back of his neck, he felt awkward. This was not part of how he imagined going back in Gotham.


"We're Mr. Wayne's…b-body guards, aren't we Robin?" Batgirl nudged.


"I knew it! No wonder you had to go back in such a hurry, duty calls! And this isn't just any mission either! So…where is he? Mr. Wayne? I mean. And…BATMAN! Where is he???" Beastboy had his hand over his forehead in a searching way. he walked around the room looking.

"So, what are you, like Robin's older sister?" Cyborg asked Batgirl conversationally.

"No, actually, I'm his ex-girlfriend."

"What?!" all Titans exclaimed, including Robin.

Sometimes, this costumes makes me too cocky for my own good…Oh, Barbara, what are you doing?!

She forced out a loud playful laugh. she nudged at Robin again. "Aw, come on, I was only kidding, I mean we used to joke around, flirting and all that, right?" oh, no…oh…no. crawl under cave and die.

Robin lowered his head. Hiding what was probably a red face.

The others stared at them.

Robin tilted his head up- after successfully controlling the blood in his face- and made his version of a playful smile.

"'course we do…all the time." that made something cold rush down Batgirl's spine. Was he seriously playing along with this? Alright, so we used to joke around, 'flirting and all that', but it was a joke, a. sort of scripted thing, the Batgirl and Robin pairing...

But Robin shook his smile away, and grew serious again. "So, why did you guys follow me? Didn't I tell you, I had something important I had to do?"

The Titans looked at each other.

And, that's chapter 3! And so they meet Batgirl! DUN DUN!

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