Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Batman the animated series, Batman, Teen Titans, etc

"Forget it!" she said through tears, trying to pull herself together. She realized that his arms were wrapped protectively around her. She tried to wriggle herself out, but he wouldn't let her go. Instead he held on to her arms, and moved her slightly to face him. Since when did he get stronger than her? Her eyes felt weird and wet, the tears still trickled down her cheeks. She bit down the desire to look into his eyes, letting the tears fills her eyes so that she can no longer see anything. He placed one hand on her cheek, and wiped away a teardrop with his thumb. She shook her head as if trying to get his hands off of her face, but didn't say anything. This wasn't making her feel any better, having him so close to her, having him wipe her tears, having him here…while she's so pathetic and sad. When did it get like this? Why did it get like this? When did things suddenly got complicated? Back then it was so easy…she felt a sort of bond towards him, she felt it from the start, like a brother and sister, she cheered him on when he felt he was a rookie, she taught him the basics so he wouldn't have to feel bad for being the newbie, even though they had a sort of competition going on, who's the better sidekick, pretending each hates the other…and then…when did she realize that things started to change? They became best friends, the jokes…and then the fake flirting, all a game but then…the heart is vulnerable to such things, she realized.

"Babs, I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's bothering you." She didn't want him to let go, to be honest. She wanted him to hold her like this forever, if possible. But she knew it was a ridiculous little fairytale.

"Dick, let go, I mean It." she muttered, still sniffing a bit.


"Let go, before Alfred-"

"So what, he'd ask you the same thing, so what's the difference?"

"He'd totally blame you."

"Just tell me."

"No." she said looking away, for a moment there she looked up at him, and her heart raced, sang and ached. How can it take such a blow of emotions? She felt a painful stab of longing and regret.

"Why not?"

"Because you wouldn't understand"

"I'll never understand unless you tell me"

"Richard Grayson, I mean it!" she said using a tone of authority.

He didn't let go. She struggled furiously. "LET GO!" she said, that tone of voice was so shocking his hands backed off. She stood up, looked at him, his eyes pleaded her to tell him, as if tempting her, asking her to come back to him. she felt a wave of embarrassment and nausea. She burst into more floods of tears and ran off without another word. Not thinking of anything but him, and how she's going to explain herself after this.


As soon as Barbara ran off, and out the door, not even noticing Alfred on her way out, a car parked just outside, which almost ran her down, but being the wonder girl she is, she managed to jump on it, over, and landed lightly on the ground, a bit shocked at the sequence of things but used to it, then continued running. She didn't want to face whoever was in the car right about now.


"She missed you dreadfully sir." said a worried Alfred as Dick walked down the halls to see if Barbara was still around. Still a bit shook by what just happened, and confused, and hurt at how she didn't want to confide to him anymore.

"Doesn't really seem like it." the words slipped out before he realized it.

Alfred raised one eyebrow.

"What's up with her anyway?"

"She seemed fine, apart from the fact that she appears to constantly argue with herself about a certain feeling perhaps."


"She missed you quite dreadfully" Alfred repeated dismissively.

"That doesn't-" he paused, hearing the door close downstairs. he raced toward the main of the house. In the hope of catching her there, but instead...

"Bruce? I-I mean..D-dad. You're home early."


I feel like this is shorter than the others. Ah well.

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