Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own Batman the animated series, Batman, Teen Titans, etc

Dick woke up feeling disoriented and confused. He was lying in his bed, in his room as if he woke up from a dream. Only...after a moment he realized he wasn't alone. Bruce Wayne, Alfred and, to his surprise, Cyborg wore worried faces and were relieved to see him awake.

"Wha-...why am I...?"

"You were hit on the head by a lunatic..." said Bruce Wayne in his Bruce Wayne self and acting like he didn't already know who the lunatic was. "Apparently a wanted villainess"

Dick sat up quickly. The recent happenings were starting to come back to him. Then the sudden reaction of emotions that came with it.

"BABS! They got Babs!"

"Yes. They have her. And they left a note." Said Alfred handing him the note, wearing a serious face. Dick looked at the note. Read it. Scowled.

He looked at Bruce. Who looked serious as well. Bruce nodded. "Well. The police are doing everything they can to find her, son. They said they'll report here as soon as they got a lead. And the commissioner's her father, so I'm sure he's done everything he can to make sure they're doing their best. "He said in his fatherly Bruce voice. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." Dick nodded. Knowing the Batman would be joining them shortly. Bruce walked out. And Alfred, who was probably going to assist him, made an excuse asking who wanted cookies, which both of them turned down, and he left as well.

"Well you look like you're about to throw up." Cyborg said.

"I have to save her Cyborg. What am I doing just lying around here?" he said standing up. "It's my stupid fault." He was about to exit as well but suddenly stopped.

"Wait a second. Where are the others?"

"Still there. We never left cause' I told them you wanted us to stay here for a while. I figured you could talk to Starfire by then. Anyway, I told them I'll be going grocery shopping. "

"And Bruce? How'd you get in?"

"Told him everything."


"Didn't really come as a shock. He probably already knew."

Dick stared hard for a moment then decided to worry about other things later. He opened the door and walked out the hall with Cyborg following behind.

"Cyborg." He said. "Notify the other Titans. I need your help."

"Got it."

Forget about Dick Grayson. Dick thought to himself. Right now I need to be Robin.

That is probably the shortest chapter I've ever made in this fic! And sorry about that too. I'm running low on the ideas and words. But I just had to post something. And right now it's summer so hopefully the next post will be soon. And hopefully the next one would be longer and with less typos...if there are any here, I'm sorry again.

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