Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own Batman the animated series, Batman, Teen Titans, etc

Dick Grayson lay on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. His head rested on his hands that were stretched up, it seemed like he was slacking around. The room was dim, it seemed, the afternoon light that begged to enter was kept away by blinds that concealed the room from the world. Another one of those lock yourself in your room kind of days.

He sighed in discontent. It felt like everything but the welcoming and comforting room was opposing him, even when "everything" wasn't doing anything at all. It seemed like the mere presence of anything around him- at the moment- bothered and annoyed him. Don't get him wrong, though, it wasn't Bruce's presence that bothered him, not really the Titans' distrust and following him. But no matter how he looks at things he seems bothered by everything. Annoyed…confused.

It seemed like an eternity has passed when he heard a light knock on the door.

There was silence. He heard it alright, but was trying to consider whether he should answer it or not. He could not answer it, and whoever that was (Alfred was his best bet) would just have to think that he was asleep already and let him he could answer it harshly, and tell whoever that was that he was busy. Or-

"It's open" he said hoarsely, realizing how weird his voice sounded, how long has he been quiet? Hiding the sound of his voice deep within the depths of his soul.

The door creaked open, to reveal Bruce Wayne with one of those friendly faces he uses- very different from the face he uses in front of bad guys. This face was an attempt at a fatherly gesture, a lame one.

Although the entrance could have passed, the introduction seemed as if it wasn't well rehearsed.


Dick was now sitting up.


"Alfred told me your friends came over."


"And that they came demanding an explanation to why you suddenly…left."



"Anyway, Alfred thinks …that we should have some heart to heart conversation, although I don't think I'm the right person-" Bruce rambled.

Dick fought back the urge to laugh, cry, and scream at the same time. All kinds of confusing emotions suddenly flooded in, it was weird how his father figure was trying to help him with a teenage problem, whatever it was, and even if he didn't understand it himself. He felt like if there's anyone he could talk about this it's Bruce. But it still seemed weird…talking to the Dark Knight , the world's greatest detective, the creepy, the amazing, the heroic Batman, about his tiny little problem that even he couldn't pin point. But then again, this wasn't Batman, this was Bruce Wayne, the guy who adopted him.

"Y-yeah…I...uh…have a problem." He started. Bruce raised his eyebrows, surprised, he was ready for an evasive Dick Grayson, but this wasn't what he expected.

"Okay." He said slowly. "What is it?" although he already has a whole bunch of clues, and a lead to what it was.

Dick scratched the back of his neck, feeling sheepish, but there's no turning back, even normal kids get weirded out by conversations with their real parents.



Batgirl felt ridiculous as she cautiously crawled at the roof opposite the hotel that the Titans were staying in. without a clue to why she wanted to go here in the first place. It wasn't to try to kill Starfire, or any of them. She wasn't the type who'd do that anyway.

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