Chapter 9

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Note: At this point there are a lot of questions that need answering, to start this fanfiction was something I did back then

and before I didn't know some facts. Since there are many alternate stories of superheroes i figured this can be different too.

So in this world Robin's identity is kept secret from everyone including his friends and Batman is the fatherly type like the one in the cartoons.

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman the animated series, Batman, Teen Titans, etc

Starfire had been hovering around Wayne Manor and couldn't find a shadow or silhouette of Robin. She fell asleep on the grass of the front yard, persistent and tired. She murmured in her sleep. Curled up in a ball on the grass.

Waking up when she felt a presence and a shadow giving her shade from the morning sun.


A boy crouched beside her. Looking at her with the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen. The boy had black hair, combed neatly back in place and he smelled of fragrant cologne. He frowned. She did not know this boy, but she noticed that the way his lips moed into that frown seemed oddly familiar.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, it sounded polite even if it was an attack question.

"I-I was…" she stuttered.

"I don't think it's a good idea sleeping on someone's yard like this, people would mistake you for a burglar. Especially in a place like this." he put out a hand. She reluctantly grabbed it, he helped her up.

"Let me guess. You're looking for Robin?"

"Yes! Yes! Where is Robin? I am Starfire. Please tell Robin Starfire is looking for him. Please tell him I am here."

The boy was taken aback. Starfire acted persistently and determined about something. She looked straight into his eyes. And it almost hurt that the first time they were to really look into each other's eyes she didn't even recognize him. he looked away breaking the gaze that pierced him. he stood up and turned to the mansion.

"Well Star. Fire. Robin isn't here now. He's probably with Batman acting as Body guards for Bruce." He started walking.

"Then I shall wait here." she said even more determined.

The boy raised an eyebrow and turned back to her. "You know, you could stay inside. If you'd like that. Or then again, it is pretty nice out here. Then again I hear it's going to rain anytime soon."


"Boy. What is you name?" Starfire asked, sitting opposite him in the big living room she and the Titans were in the day before.

"Dick." The boy said. "Dick or Richard Grayson." He said still a little hurt from having to hear her call him "boy" like she really had no idea who he was. But he can't blame her. It wasn't her fault.

"Deke. Deeeek." She said trying out his name.

"Dick." He corrected. "Anyway, why are you so caught up by that Robin guy? What is he anyway? Your boyfriend?" words came out stupidly, and recklessly.


"Then what is he doing letting you hang around like that? Flying around looking for him and not meeting up with you like a coward?" Dick, what the hell are you doing? he thought to himself.

"My Robin is not a coward!" Starfire rose to her feet, furious, eyes burning ready to shoot, threatening.

Dick, you idiot, she'll be killing the wrong guy at this rate. And she wouldn't know what she'd hit.

"Okay. Okay. Chill. I'm guessing you're a superhero too?"


"So, like, how do you two go around?" you're playing with fire. You'll get burnt, I swear.

"What is it that you mean?

"I mean, like, do you go around as civilians or what?" what are you trying to pull??? I should stop this nonsense and just tell her who I am!

"Robin has never let us seen his true face. It was his secret. We respect that."

"I see. So you know absolutely nothing about him."

"I do!" she said defensively. "I know that Robin is a strong person. Robin cares for his people and he may be a little serious but Robin loves us all." She said passionately.

Dick was caught silent. He was moved by what she said. But…

"But. Do you ever stop to think who he really is? What he's really like? And can you live loving a guy who couldn't even tell you who he really is?" the truth hurts. And he couldn't tell her how much. He wanted to shout that this is the guy. This is the idiot who screwed up.

And to his surprise tears started filling up in her eyes.

"Yes, it is not fair"

Dick was caught up, surprised. He wasn't expecting this. But pouring out his feelings like that wasn't such a good idea. He wanted so much to hold her and tell her he's sorry and tell her everything's gonna be alright. But just as he thought everything started getting into place everything started getting all messed up. He never knew she felt like this. He felt glued to the spot.

"It is not fair that I give myself completely, but he does not trust me. It is! It's the truth! And I fear that I do not love him as much as he would love me when I do not completely know him."

"I-I don't know what to say. I'm sorry."

"You say sorry when you did not do anything?"

"No. I, uh mean…for bringing it up. It's silly of me. Of course you know him. I'm the one who knows nothing about him. I'm sorry I intruded."

"No, it is I who have intruded. I did not give permission to enter this home. To which I wonder, what you are doing here Dick Grayson, when this is the Wayne's home." she tilted her head questioningly almost accusingly.

"Adopted son"



Barbara Gordon hid behind the walls. Guilty as she was she couldn't help pondering over what she heard. She entered the Wayne mansion, uninvited. Only to overhear Dick Grayson talking to Starfire. She had a nagging feeling he told her who he was. But after hearing the conversation she figured he hasn't told her yet. But it still hurts. The way he pestered her with those questions. It was obvious end it was the truth.

"He probably really….really loves her."

GAH! I can't believe I've neglected this! Now that I'm getting farther into the story I get the feeling it won't only be hard for Robin to decide it's hard on my part to plot as well!!! XO

Any suggestions???

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