Chapter 8

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I figured it was time for a little action. Well it isn't Batman without one.

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman the animated series, Batman, Teen Titans, etc


Upon entering the bat cave Batgirl felt an unusual twist of uneasiness but it's not the usual kind of uneasiness that you'll be sure to get once you enter the bat cave. It was a different uneasiness.

"Yep" she mumbled. "That's definitely him." she said she readied herself for what was coming. She could already hear muffled voices she could guess came from Dick and Bruce.

"So what, Joker, Penguin, Harley, Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Two face…" Robin let down a finger at a mention of each name as he counted. "All decided to disturb the peace at one night? What do they think they're doing a party?"

The Batman, who was sitting in front of a large computer screen, did not respond.

"I think that's a yes" Batgirl joined in. she settled herself opposite Robin who hovered behind Batman. Robin barely gave her a side ways glance then turned back to the screen. Batgirl forced a smile, but it still felt awkward after that scene she just made. She was thankful for the situation, which prevented this to be more difficult.

"Think they've got a motive?" Robin asked crossing his arms.

"No. I don't think so." Batman said in his Batman voice.

"So what, they just suddenly decide to spring up and make a mess of things?"

No response.

"That's a yes."


In no less then a couple of minutes the Batmobile followed by two motorcycles shot out of the batcave. And went in full speed towards the city.

The city was in chaos. A lot of people were screaming, a lot of houses were burning down, a lot of cars crashed into places, a lot of explosion and gun powder. Several police cars and fire trucks came into position and men poured out to save the city.

"Whoa." Robin made a low whistle.

The Batman scowled and before Batgirl and Robin could get an air full of all this he was already up and out of their sight after the Joker who cackled maniacally.

And as the Batman got busy the other villains, the ones that noticed their arrival, circled around Batgirl and Robin.

"Aw, you guys. I'm touched. You didn't have to throw me a welcoming party." Said Robin as he and Batgirl backed up and were being enclosed and trapped. "On three." He whispered. Batgirl made a small nod.

"Oooohh, the little Birdie is back in town. That changes everything" said Poison Ivy.


"Hey, this isn't part of the plan. Wouldn't this mess things up?" The Penguin grunted.


"Three against one isn't much of change." The Catwoman purred.


Batgirl and Robin jumped into a sea of blur catching the villains off guard. Batgirl jumped up somersaulted and landed opposite Harley Quinn who was so confused once Batgirl gave her a small punch she didn't know what hit her. Robin made an awesome leap and flipped landed on Two face's shoulders just as random goons tried to get him, Two face pulled out his coin, tossing it, but just as it was a foot in the air Robin grabbed it while jumping off, and at the exact split-second later the other villains made a grab for it but toppled over each other. Robin got away with it with a smirk.

The female villains were trying to corner Batgirl chasing her down a dark alley. Harley Quinn, with a score to settle after that blow, Catwoman and Poison Ivy all had their weapons ready. Batgirl gave herself a mental kick for dropping one of her most important batgears. She looked around desperately for an escape, or something, a plan to get out of this situation. But lately a lot has been bothering her it's been putting her out of focus.

"Tsk, Tsk, tsk. Bats should've known better than to let a girl do a woman's job" said Poison Ivy.

"The Bat is busy, there's no one else here to save you." Catwoman said.

"Oh yeah? Then what do you call me?" Said Robin who zoomed past hanging on by a hook, grabbing Batgirl by the waist and saving her from that mess. They landed on the roof, and just as they did Batgirl looked down at the three and smiled playfully at them.

The three villainess looked up; they did not see that coming.

"That was so romantic." Harley couldn't help saying.


"So what was up with all the villains?" Robin asked Batman.

"The Joker decided messing with their heads was a good idea for some fun and it worked ." The Batman said. "The two of you try and see what you can do to help. I have to talk to the commissioner."

Robin shrugged as the Batman turned and walked away.


"What were you thinking letting three dangerous villains corner you like that?" Robin scolded her while they were surrounded by fire trucks police cars and ambulances that tried their best to help. The mess was done and the villains were all captured and behind bars. Now all that's left is the cleanup. While Batman was talking to the commissioner the two stepped back and decided to talk among the noise.

"I wasn't thinking." She muttered bitterly. "Thanks for the save I really appreciate it." she said without really knowing what she said and the moment she recognized her own words she wished she could undo them all. A confused and questioning look formed on Robin's face.

"Di you just say you weren't thinking? And thank you?" he placed a hand on her forehead. "Maybe you're coming down with something, Batgirl." He said playfully. "Look there's an ambulance. I'll take you there."

Batgirl punched him lightly on the shoulder. "No, you idiot, I'm fine. I just had my mind messed up, that's all. I lost focus."

"Now I really think you're coming down with something"

Batgirl made a smile, a real smile. He was doing this all over again. After all these years and he was him again. It was like waking up from a long slumber, after a decades and realizing what you've been missing. This was becoming more of a dream…but then again reality would eventually hit her.

"You're friends" she started, as she looked away and kept her eyes preoccupied with something else. "They're worried about you. They really miss you, you know."

"You've been talking to my friends?"

She nodded slowly. "Maybe you should go back with them." the truth would always hurt. But maybe they needed him more than she did, and he needs them more than he needed her. "I can handle taking care of Gotham."

There was silence. And all that could be heard was the police cars' noises. It was as if the two of them were separated from everything and were placed in a glass bubble. And as Batgirl tried not to look at Robin, he looked at her, thoughtfully then said.

"But…who will take care of you?"

His voice rang in her ears. And that thing he said. It was as if she was in a deep sleep and his voice was pulling him back like a wake up call.

She smiled and turned to look at him. Realizing he had on a sincerely sad face. She shrugged. "I think I can take care of myself."


Starfire waited for the sound of Cyborg and Beastboy's snoring, and Raven's peaceful breathing before she left the hotel to visit Wayne Manor. She could not sleep until she got to talk with Robin, and convince him to come back with them. And to tell him she loved him very much. And lastly…that she had to leave.

Okay, so there was a little action now. But I know it wasn't that good I wasn't very good with the action stuff, I haven't written much of that kind of stuff. And I think there might be a slight O.C. from the Villains I don't know some of them that well and the villain up burst seemed pretty random. Sorry if there are some typos. :D hope it all made sense. Will try to update soon.

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