Chapter 8

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Before we left, Headmistress asked if there were any questions. A first year, muggleborn, raised her phone and asked for the wifi password.

"Gum Drop, with a capitol G and D." And the usual confusion commenced, with all of those raised with non-muggle parents, thought it was a secret society. Gabby explained to us that it was an internet connection for muggles to use their devices on. It's funny to watch.

But the Tri-Wizard Tournament. I can enter! I'll turn 17 at the end of the month anyways. But do I really want to enter this, and risk my life?


Where did that come from? But I guess I do want to have the adrenaline rush. Besides what's the likelihood of my name being pulled? 1 in a zillion. Okay not that, but you get my point.

Now I wait for September 23rd. 22 more days.

What am I going to do in 22 days? I need help. I went to the common room to see the one guy I could probably trust with my life.


I heard a muffled "What?" coming from our room. So I went to talk to him. Maybe he has something. He was walking out anyways.

"What can I do until my birthday?" I asked him bluntly.

"Work up the courage to freaking ask Rose out."

"Am I seriously that obvious?"

"Yes!" That was like the entire common room. The hell?

"Dude. You've been crushing on her for how long? It's time. Besides, why until you're birthday?"

"I have liked her since I met her, but loved her since, what, second year?"

There was a lot of ooh's.

"Oh, shove it."

"Okay, why before your birthday?" Bringing back the subject at hand.

"I'm entering."


"Nothing." Why did I just do that? I never lie to her.

"You're lying. What are you doing?" She knew, she just wants me to admit it.

"I- ening?" I muffled my answer to hopefully get less of a blow. She gets violent when angered. Funny to watch one others. But when you're receiving it, not a pretty picture.

"I'm sorry. What was that?" She taunted.

"I AM ENTERING THE TRI-WIZARD TOURNAMENT! HAPPY?" I snapped. I snap easily, Malfoy trait.

"What?" Really, Rose just had to be in the room. Great. She had tears forming in her eyes, I hate it when she gets upset like this. It upsets me.

"I am entering the Tri-Wizard Tournament when I turn of age, and no body can stop me. I want to do this. Besides what is the likelihood that my name is drawn. Like one in a thousand. So please let me do this." I was pleading, getting ready to go onto my knees, if I had to of course.

"Fine. Do what you want, but don't come to me for help when you plan fails." That was Maddie. You would think that was Rose, but no.

"Who said I was going to you anyways. I don't need help, I'm the Malfoy heir!"

"Okay, Mr. Malfoy, whatever. Do what you want. But don't come crying your sorry little but to us when something goes wrong. Am I clear?"

"Crystal." I was mad. No I was more than mad, I was pissed. Maddie knows not to bring up Mr. Malfoy when I get like this. But then again, it lets my know that my roots are showing, that I'm getting to high and mighty.

"Come on Dave, I need someone to talk to." When I got no answer, I turned to see that Madison turned her veela charm on! Really? Now she has Dave and all the other Slytherins drooling on her. The reason it doesn't work on Xavier, her older brother, and I is cause:

 1) He's a veela himself and

 2) I have veela blood in me from Grandma Malfoy. It doesn't really make sense, but you get used to it after a while. Sorta. 

"Damn it. I'm leaving."


 I swear why is Scorpius entering. Is he trying to get himself killed? I mean its not like he is poor and needs the money like some other kids that I know. I know he doesn't want more attention than he does now. I honestly wonder why he would want 'Eternal Glory' or the 10,000 galleons prize money. I'm also worried for the tasks he has to face. I mean what if he gets hurt. I have read about the tri-wizard tournament and it is a miracle that they are holding it this year. Last time they held it a boy named Cedric Diggory died. I don't want that to happen to Scorpius. Then there are exams along with maybe helping Scorpius figure out the tasks. Then him going into tasks and then watching him with worry hoping, praying that he gets out alive and safe. 

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