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Sunday 9:30am


Lisa's P.O.V

The sun rose early the next morning unlike me who was too entranced in an incredibly comfortable night's sleep. Stirring awake, I was startled by the sound of a click and flash of bright light disorientating my view.


"Goodmorning Jagiya."

That voice. The voice that wouldn't leave me alone. I adjusted my eyes to the light to find Jennie playing with my hair. Instantly, I yelled out in horror. "Why are you in my bedroom?!"


It was then I'd realised that as she laid beside me on the bed, it was an unfamiliar bed in a room I vaguely recognised from last night.

"You mean my bedroom." My eyes went wide, as she stared back at me with her usual mischievous grin.


Frantically, I sat up a little too quickly as I clutched the side of my head that was throbbing in pain from yesterday's all night party. "My head hurts so much..."

Beside me, Jennie sat up to rest her back on the headboard and giggled rubbing my forehead with her palm gently. "Excessive alcohol tends to do that. You need to be more careful."

Instantly, I pushed her hand away and scooted away, almost falling off the edge of the bedside. "I didn't ask for your advice."

She pouted in response. "You're so grumpy in the morning, Lili."

"Lili?" I cringed at yet another nickname she'd given me.

Widely she smiled, kissing my cheek. "It's cute, isn't it? I thought of it last night. It suits you perfectly."


"I hate it. Never call me that again." I scowled at her rubbing my cheek, only to notice Tzuyu's scarf on the floor, my misplaced jacket and Jennie pouting in pink and purple pajamas.

"You seemed to like me much more last night." I glanced at the bed and then back at Jennie who was gazing back suggestively.

"Nothing happened though... I would've remembered." Thoughts from last flashed through my mind from meeting Tzuyu in the garden, my ramblings with Taeyeon to falling asleep bedside Jennie.

Noticing my panicked expression, she chuckled. "Relax Lisa, nothing happened. I mean you kissed me and we fell asleep. I guess you were just playing hard to get, right?"

Once again my eyes went wide in protest as I blushed. "I was drunk! That doesn't count!"

She smiled, albeit sweetly and tilted her head to the side. Her hair flowed smoothly over her shoulders in loose waves. Shyly, I looked away conflicted by the fact that I'd enjoyed kissing her more than I could ever admit.

"I'm just teasing you silly! Come on, I'll make you some breakfast."

Pulling me up, I shook my head awkwardly looking around the room for a way of escape. "No, it's fine. I really need to leave..."


As expected, she was stubborn not taking no for an answer. "But I'm making pancakes. They're your favourite, right?"

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