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Sunday 10pm

Jisoo's P.O.V

I marched to Jennie's room to find her in the middle of packing a large bag in a hurry. "Jennie, whatever you're planning you need to stop! Let Lisa have space."

"Since when did you become so moral? I want her and this is the only way I can get her back." She said, focusing her attention back on her luggage.

"For what? So she'll hate you forever?" I questioned, raising my voice at her impulsive behaviour.

Shrugging her shoulders, she didn't listen zipping up the bag and placed it over her shoulder. "She loves me and I love her, that's all that matters."

"Where are you going? You don't even know where she is."

There was a sudden knock at the door as one the maids entered the room and bowed politely. "Ms. Jennie, Ms. Jisoo, your father has requested to speak with you both."

My sister and I exchanged confused glances as we made our way towards my father's office. It wasn't uncommon for him to be working late into the night so today was no exception.

From my study, I collected my business report that I was expected to draft each week and walked with Jennie to my father's office. We knocked and waited before walking in to see him working at his desk.

There were no greetings as such. He clicked his fingers expectedly as I handed over the business report that had taken so long to write.

Scanning the pages, I suddenly became filled with dread as he analysed every page.

"Is this an insult? The figures are calculated wrong, there's a grammatical error on the last page and I see no evidence for the long term financial plan."

I gulped, losing my nerve. "Those figures are based on the end of year-"

"You're going to inherit a multi billion dollar industry and you produce this? This is dismal at best." He scowled before turning his attention to Jennie.

"Jennie, I expect your report is much more detailed."

She shuffled and clutched the handle of her bag tightly. "Actually, I haven't had time to finish it yet..."

"So I have one report that is utter garbage and another which is apparently non-existent through sheer laziness." His voice was stern and cold.

Noticing Jennie's bag, my father seemed aware she was preoccupied looking back towards the door. "Going somewhere?"

She didn't reply as he stood up and towered over the table. "What was so much more important than fulfilling your responsibilities for the company?"

There was silence until Jennie spoke barely above a whisper. "Family. My family."


I nudged her shoulder, knowing he was the last person who should ever know about the situation between Lisa and Jennie. "Jen, now might not be the best time to talk about this-"

"I'm speaking to your sister!" My father yelled, the room seemed to shake until all sound came to a halt only Jennie daring to speak out into the silence. "Lisa is pregnant."

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