Chapter 19: Three Days

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Fortunately, he area was cleared from any civilians to avoid any injuries. Bullets of flame were aimed towards the Titans, especially at Raven. Starfire showered powerful starbolts at the three demons and Cyborg was shooting them. "Robin, now!" Raven called him, signaling him to make his move. He threw five smoke bombs and tearing gas, fogging their view and as soon as the tearing gas affected them, Raven used her powers to wrap them together with her black aura. "Go Rae!" Beast Boy cheered, although she didn't hear him due to her concentration. The four other Titans continued to attack them while Raven strengthen the grip.

"Have you not learned anything, sister dear?" The "leader" of their opponents chuckled. "Again, we are much more powerful than you are." Within a second, the three of them chanted and suddenly ripples of fire broke the grip and the force made all 5 of them fall back. "Shit man... they're hardcore." Cyborg groaned as her sat up, massaging his temple. Slowly, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Robin got up dizzily, getting ready to start fighting again. "There are too many distractions in this area. We must find another location." Beast Boy's sensitive hearing allowed him to hear the short-haired demon informing his brothers. The three demons created a portal in thin air and spoke quietly to each other before going in. "No one's going anywhere!" Beast Boy shouted, morphing into a T-rex. He charged at the three of them, hitting them down like bowling pins. 

"I'll go check on Raven." Garfield said to Robin as he quickly ran to his girlfriend. Raven lay unconscious on the broken street, hair covering up her face and blood trickling down her forehead. Beast Boy held her close and listened for a heart beat. She had a slow pulse, but still managed to do the job. 'She looks so... helpless.' He thought, holding her tightly and kissing her forehead.

 "Starfire! Help Beast Boy bring Raven to the nearest hospital." Robin requested, as soon as Beast Boy told him about her condition. Starfire flew to them and carried Raven as gently as she could. "I will make sure she gets there safely." Starfire assured them and flew off. "I need to go with her." Beast Boy demanded, getting frustrated and anxious. "I know. But we have to fight them and Cyborg and I can't do it alone." Robin replied, knowing that it would be best to take them down first so that no more harm could be done do the city and their team.

-time skip-

It's been three dreadful days. Three days that the team worried sick. Three days where constantly visited. Three days Beast Boy did not come back to the Tower. And three days Raven still hasn't waken up yet. "How is she?" He spoke with tired eyes, messy hair and with a slight sense of hope since this is what happened every 3 hours. The doctors and nurses would regularly check up on her and make sure that she was still... alive. "Everything is normal, her vitals, her heart beat, her health. But, we are still not sure why she still hasn't woken up." The nurse spoke with a quick and monotone way as she scribbled down the update. "Oh, okay." Garfield sighed as he watched the nurse leave the room with the others walking before her.

He was sitting down on a plastic chair, holding her pale hand and began to talk to her. "Hey, Rae." Beast Boy softly spoke. "It's already been three days since I actually talked to you. You know, like when you weren't... asleep. And honestly, I miss it terribly. Not to mention how much I miss you. But, even if none of us don't really know what's going on, you take your time. Just take your time, so that you could come back healthy and happy. We will wait for you, no matter what." He continued to talk to her and update her on what's going on and how everyone's doing. "And lastly, I hope you know that I love you very much and I will not leave your side at all, even if it means not taking showers, which I'm totally cool with, but seriously, I will not leave you." Beast Boy took her hand and kissed it. "Oh and I hope you don't mind if I take a nap for half an hour, I stayed up all night last night because the doctors operated your fractured arm. But, it's all good now, so you don't have to worry about it." And with that, he placed his head down on the side of her bed and fell asleep.


okay, i know this chapter wasn't really well written but it does have all the big things that's happening. and hopefully things didn't move to quickly because ya know, i want you guys to like the story. if it is, just tell me so that i could improve on it. so before you guys might kill me for taking so long to update, i'm sooooooo sorry. honestly, it makes me feel terrible that i like "abandoned" the book for like 6 weeks. i'll try to redeem myself and make it up to you guys as best as i can because you guys definitely do not deserve my non-updating-ness. i hope you guys still sorta enjoy the story even if it might suck. but yeah, this was a really messy author's note but i hope you guys understood my babbling. thanks again guys and i seriously do love all of you.

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