Chapter 8: Videogames

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Beast Boy's POV

Wow... a villain just like me. Raven, Starfire, and I fly towards downtown Jump City while Robin rides his motorbike and Cyborg drives his baby, the T- car. The three of us arrive first and Cyborg and Robin arrive shortly after.

"How are we going to find the Polymorph?" Starfire asked.

"Well... Titans East said that he has full on black eyes with no pupils." Robin answered.

"That shouldn't be so hard." Cyborg said.

The team carefully searched for the black- eyed shapeshifter when suddenly Starfire started shooting starbolts at Raven.

"Starfire! What the hell are you doing?!" Robin exclaimed.

I sprint to Raven to check if she was seriously injured.

"I'm fine, Beast Boy." She looked at me with reassurance.

"I am looking for the Polymorph? Is that not what you have ordered?" Starfire was standing cluelessly looking at Robin.

Wait, there are two Starfire's? Oh no.

"THAT MUST BE POLYMORPH!" I hollered as I pointed at Starfire's döppelganger.

Cyborg started shooting from his bionic arm while Raven was throwing cars and lamp posts at "Starfire". I shapeshifted into a T- Rex and so did Polymorph. Starfire and Robin were desperately trying to stop him when Raven wrapped electrical cords around him and Cyborg put a shock to it. Polymorph shook in pain and transformed into a human. Raven picked him up and we brought him to jail.

"Glad we got that taken care of." I said.

"It's still 2:00 PM. Does anyone want to go grab some pizza?" Cyborg asked.

"I would love to accompany you in purchasing the pizza!" Starfire replied.

"I'll go." Robin answered.

I looked at Raven and she nodded a "no".

"Uhh.. I'll head back to the tower with Raven. You know, just to make sure she has no injuries." I quickly said.

"Okay, see you later then!" Cyborg said.

Raven's POV

The three Titans left to go to the pizza parlour while BB and I walked back to the tower. And yes, we walked because flying isn't as romantic unless you were on a magic carpet. (sorry, that was a lame joke.)

"They probably wont come back 'til 4:00 PM." BB said.

"I figured. Atleast we'll have some alone time."

He gently held my hand locking his fingers into mine as we continued to walk. I blushed.

"So... what do you want to do when we arrive at the tower?" BB asked me.

"Anything is fine by me." I replied.

"Anything?" He asked.


"We should play another videogame! I' choose it. It'll be a surprise."

"Okay, sure."

We finally arrived back at the tower when Beast Boy said he was gonna grab a videogame from his room real quick.

Beast Boy's POV

I opened the window to my room and flew as fast as I could to the nearest flower shop.

"Good afternoon sir, what kind of flowers would you like to buy?" The saleslady asked.

"I'll have a bouquet of white and red roses please." I replied.

"Would you like to add a message on it?"

"Oh, yes, of course." I said as I was handed a heart shaped gift tag.

I wrote down what I felt was the most appropriate and what I was feeling.

'Dear Raven,
I know that ever since I saw you I've always felt like there was something more than just arguing and getting on each others nerves. When you hugged me last time, I was overjoyed by it and I hope that you'd continue to give me your hugs and maybe kisses *wink wink*. I cant imagine a world without you and I'm glad you're with me. I love you dearly and I hope you do, too. Don't forget that you're my everything and I'd do anything for you.

Happy Valentines Day, babe ily'

I signed it, paid, and quickly flew back being careful not to ruin the flowers. I franctically looked for my present and grabbed the closest videogame.

I ran to the common room and hid the gifts right beside the doors.

"Wow, took you 5 mins to find a videogame." Raven laughed.

"Well, you know, my room is just a tad bit messy." I replied.

"Yeah, sure, a tad bit." She continued to giggle.

She looked at me strangely because I was breathing heavily and asked if I was okay.

"Of course I am, you're here." I smiled.

"So what videogame did you choose?" She asked.

I looked at my hand and saw that I grabbed "Strawberry Shortcake: Dream Adventures." I am such an idiot.

By now Raven was laughing her head off.

"Why did you choose that?" She asked.

"Uhh.. Starfire and I would play sometimes and I figured maybe you'd like to try if." I nervously replied.

"Hahaha, I'll pass. Oh and I'm gonna go make some tea, you want anything?" She asked.

'This is the perfect time to surprise her.' I thought.

"Nah, I'm good."

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

xoxo, bluecloak

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