Chapter 33: Family Matters

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Niko's POV

Skylar and I were waiting at the train station, the plan was simple enough, all we were doing was breaking our sister out of a high security prison transport train by using an Atlas military transport train and causing a blockade on the tracks. Or if that won't work just cause a head on collision and work it out from there. The two of us were armed with pump action shotguns with shortened barrels and sawed off stocks, waiting above the tracks the train was going to be on. "You sure this is the right track?" I asked. Skylar rolled his eyes. "Yes Niko, I'm not an idiot like Jason. I did my research and this is the right set of tracks." Just as the words left his mouth, the military train made its way through the station at a walking pace. Skylar pulled out a disk shaped breaching charge and placed it on the back of the train. As it detonated, all sounds in the train station went mute and the explosion made no sound as it blew a hole in the rear of the train car. I climbed inside the train and slammed the only guard in the cabose's head into the wall, breaking his nose and knocking him out cold. As sound returned, the two of us waited for an alarm to go off, or a guard to investigate the cabose. Once we were sure that no one was coming, we changed into our police uniforms we stole from the newly deceased cops at the station. Now that we were disguised, the next step was to get to the engine and take control, the second car we went through looked like either an armory or a weapon evidence locker; floor to ceiling were open crates of guns. "Let's grab a few things before we leave." Skylar said as he opened his duffel and stuffed it to the brim with guns. I grabbed a few Glock 17s, a pair if AKMs, a SA58 OSW, a Kel-Tech Sub 2000, and a Tec 9 with a sling stock; which I put on under my coat. We didn't question it; however I found it strange that the Atlas military would keep all these weapons on this train fully loaded and ready to fire just waiting here unless...

The door in front of us opened and a SWAT team could be clearly seen as they we're about to breach. In a panic, I grabbed the first gun I could and that so happened to be a Glock 17 with a chrome slide and an exended magazine. I aimed in the SWATs general direction and to my surprise the pistol I grabbed released a fully automatic burst of gunfire; forcing the SWAT team to take cover outside the door. Skylar pulled out a metal ball covered in little groves and rolled it into the area outside the door while firing two shotgun blasts. The sphere detonated, firing thousands of tungsten darts in all directions. "How come you get all the cool gear?" I asked with mock jealousy. Skylar pulled one of the darts from the flesh on the back of his hand and gave me a smug grin. "Cause they like me more." he said as we carefully walked over the bodies of the now pin-cushioned cops. Now all that stood in our way was the conductor and possible a guard, at least that was what was written in the bluprints that our boss acquired for us. What the blue prints didn't mention was a armored security door with a gun port at chest level. As we got closer, someone tried to fire their handgun through the gun port, but the bullets only managed to nick Skylar's jacket. The two of us took cover on either side of the door and tried to think of a way to pop the door open, then a idea popped into my head when the gunman tried to get a better angle to shoot us from, allowing his gun barrel to protrude from the gun port. I kicked the opposite side of the gun barrel and heard a sickening crack and the gunman screaming in pain from his broken fingers. Skylar examined the door for a moment and said to me in a hushed voice. "That's a solid titanium security door, we ain't busting that without some thermite." I reached into my bag and pulled out the SA58 OSW and said. "Open up or we kill both of you and open it ourselves." I was bluffing, but I sounded convincing enough.

"If we open the door, will you let us live?" Skylar looked at me and featured for me to say something. "Open the door and we won't kill you." I replied to them. After a few moments the security door opened, we stormed in with our weapons trained on the guard and conductor. Skylar forced the two of them to put their hands behind their backs and ziptied them while I sabotaged the train controls. The plan was to damage the brakes and make the train go at max speed when it hits the transport train. I pushed the acceleration lever as far forward as it could go, then tore up part of the floor and shot the brake mechanisms to pieces with my SA58. "Come on, time to bail." Skylar informed me as he prepped our get away. Compared to our usual methods for escaping, this was old-school, we managed to get ahold of a Skyhook; think of it as a large helium balloon attached to a harness with a cable. An aircraft would come by and snag it with the nose or wings of a airship or plane, sending it's passenger the same way the aircraft was heading. Our version of this was a bit more for quick travel from point A to point B, Skylar helped me up as we climbed to the roof and set up the balloons. Our cables went tight as the airship caught the cables and carries us to the soon to be crash sight. As we waited high above, my mind was racing. What if our inside man didn't flip the right switch? What if the tranport train switches rails? More questions flooded my mind as the agonizing seconds went by. The two trains came into view, hurtling toward each other at break neck speeds. The transport train slammed on its breaks, a meaningless attempt to prevent the crash. The trains collided and sent both tumbling down the steep hillside.

Skylar and I detached from our cables and dropped a few hundred feet down, landing safely on one of the fallen train cars. Sliding down over the side of the train car and the two of us began out search through the wreckage for our sister's train car. Mostly they were drone carrier and weapon storage cars; marked with the Atlas flag. It wasn't until we started to hear police sirens in the distance, when we found a strange heavily armored train car with several dents warping the armored plates. Skylar reached into his bag and pulled out a pry bar. He wedged it between the heavy doors and the two of us used all of our strength to try to separate the security doors. The metal strained and began to bend from the force of the two of us combined. When the lock gave out, Skylar and I went sprawling in the dirt. We dusted ourselves off and opened the door, but unfortunately we were still wearing our police uniforms and our sister didn't recognize us right away. So instead of getting a sisterly embrace, I received a prison shank to my abdomen.

"Haily. Haily. Cool it, it's us." I yelled as she attempted to stab me again. She fixed the ginger hair sticking to her face with a little blood on her left cheek to get a clear view of my face. Her expression lit up like a Christmas tree once she saw Skylar and my faces. She released me and hugged the two of us, but left the shank made from a plastic toothbrush in my abdomen. "It's so good to see some friendly faces for once." Skylar kisses her on the forehead and ruffled her hair. " It's good to see you too sis." He said as he straightened his police uniform. I asked her something about the shank she had. "How'd you manage to sneak a shank in there. I thought they searched you and the train car before they even put you in." Haily cleared her throat and told me."You don't want to know how long I've had that shank and you really don't want to know where I've been hiding it." She pulled it from my stomach and asked what the plan was. Skylar and I smirked at each other, then slapped a pair of handcuffs around her wrists and put a black hood over her head. Several police officers got close to us and I prayed that they'd be fooled by the uniforms. "Lay down your weapons." one of them shouted, but one of his partners corrected him. "They're cops you idiot, so stop pointing your gun at them." The cop's holstered their guns and one of them asked if we had seen any strange. "Nah, other than the train wreck. We're gonna transport the prisoner ourselves, why don't your guys search for survivors." The three of us walked up the hill and found our "abandoned" police cruiser and seated Haily in the back. After we started driving, we didn't look back and people didn't look twice at us. Skylar drove into one of the old train tunnels and parked next to a silver van. The three of us got out and started moving our gear into the can; Skylar tasked me with disposing of the evidence. We changed out of our uniforms and threw them in the trunk along with a bundle of pipe bombs taped to gallon of burn dust. I closed the drunk and Haily and I climbed in the back of the van. Skylar started driving deeper into the tunnel as the bomb went off, engulfing the police cruiser in a fireball. "It's so good to see you back to helping your siblings Niko." Haily said. I just watched the burning cruiser as it began to disappear from my sight.

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