Chapter 4: Relics in Emerald Forest

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Niko's POV

I managed to get to the cliff in time for professor Ozpin to brief us on the task ahead. He explained that the first person you meet out in the forest will be your partner for the next four years and that teams will be selected based on the relic you and your partner grab. "Any questions?" Ozpin asked. A blonde boy down the line raised his hand, but was ignored. The launching platforms began activating, launching students one by one into a random part of Emerald forest. Next to me, Kai asked." What's your landing strategy?" I shrugged." Probably hit something." I said. Kai laughed, thinking I was joking." Wait you serious?" He asked. I nodded then my platform sent me flying. As I fell I held onto my hat and was plummeting towards a tree.

The impact of the tree was jarring and disorienting. I rose from a pile of splinters and chunks of log, shaking off the dizziness. I felt a warm wetness flowing down my arm from a gash in my palm. I tightened my glove and continued on my way. After a good half hour of searching, I was pinned to a tree, a familiar blade pressed to my throat. "Blake, That you?" I asked my old accomplice. She didn't answer my question, but who would need to, she looked the same as the day she left. "Why are you here?" Blake asked forcefully. I smirked. "Same reason as you, Blake." Her eyes narrowed. "I don't believe you. Did Adam send you to finish the job?" She asked pressing Gambol Shroud deeper into my throat. I said to her as calm as I ever been. "No. I left just after you did. You still have that scar I gave you." Blake moved Gambol Shroud away from my throat and slammed the blade through my stomach. The impact caused me to double over and my hat fell to the ground, reviling a pair of grey cat ears.

Blake stood over me with a sad look on her face, thinking that she'd have to disappear again. I began to stand up to Blake's surprise. I slowly pulled the blade from my abdomen. As soon as the blade was fully torn from my flesh, the wound began to close up. In a few seconds all that was left of the wound was my own black blood and a scar where Blake had stabbed me. She looked at me with surprise and horror, she asked. "Niko, what happened to you?" I smirked and chuckled. "Grim blood is flowing through my veins, it does have a wonderful healing property." Blake was horrified. "Niko... What have you become. When we met we were fighting for a better future and now your some lab experiment." I told her. "Blake, I did this because I didn't want to be constricted by what people say and act towards me. Now I'm strong enough to crush anyone who stands in my way." My thought began to blend with Pierce's, my vision was tinted red." Niko?" Blake said. I collapsed, digging into my trench coat pocket for the injector gun. I swapped the empty canister for a full one and quickly pulled the trigger, sending the liquid flowing through my veins. After a few moments my vision cleared and my thought became less chaotic. Blake helped me to my feet, asking me. "What happened?" I took a deep breath. "That, Blake, was a blood rage. It happens from time to time because of the grim blood and that stuff I injected was a liquid form of dust. It acts like an.... equalizer of sorts, counteracting the blood rage." As I spoke I sat down leaning against a tree.

Blake turned and said. "I believe you. You've cut your ties to Adam and I respect that. Goodbye for now Niko Spire." She turned and ran, leaving me behind. Soon I to began to look for a partner to finish the mission and by my luck I found one in the first few minutes. As I walked beneath a tree, Kai fell from it and hit the ground in front of my feet. He had twigs and leaves stuck in his hair and hood. Small cuts and scrapes covered his face and hands. "Hi." Kai said still lying on the ground. I held out my hand to help him up. He grabbed it with that same crazy grin of his. "Hey Niko what's you kill count?" Kai asked. "Zero so far." Kai laughed at my answer. "What's so funny?" I asked. Kai slowly stopped laughing and said. "You can't have zero kills, your covered in Grim blood." I quickly lied. "Oh this? I fell it to a large pool of the stuff when I landed." Kai shrugged and said. "Alright. Let's get going and find those relics!"

I couldn't help, but laugh at Kai's optimism. "Ok. I'll follow you." I said. We were walking for about ten minutes and I had to ask. "Kai?"


"We're lost aren't we."



No we're fucking lost."


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