Chapter 21: Returning

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Niko's POV
I managed to get to Beacon just before sunset and pulled into the carports, parking my bike next to a yellow and black crotch rocket. I walked up to the gate of Beacon and I heard someone to my left say. "It's past visiting hours. You'll have to wait till tomorrow." I turned my head towards them and saw it was Jaune, leader of team JNPR. I chuckled and said. "Wow. I know I've been gone for a little while, but for people not recognizing me." Jaune walked closer to me and realized who I was. "Oh my god. Pyrrha come here." He said. She came over and knew who I was almost instantly. "Niko Spire. I didn't think we'd see you again." She pulled out her scroll and was about to call Ozpin, but I stopped her. "I'm going to tell him myself. In person." She said. "Alright." And opened the gate for me. I walked into the academy and straight in the front doors. "If I remember correctly, Ozpin's office is on the top floor of the tower." I walked down the deserted halls until I made it to the main elevator. There was a keypad on the side that prevented any unwelcome personnel from getting into the office. I looked at the keypad and noticed there were low levels of aura on the numbers 9, 4, 0, and 6. I though for a moment and punched in 9640. The door opened up and I walked in. "Lucky guess." I said to myself. I rode the elevator up and if stopes on Ozpin's floor. I strolled out, and I heard. "Well it looks like you were able to bypass my security and reach my office, so what is it you want." Ozpin asked. I said. "I'm just here to clear something up." Ozpin rose from his seat. "And what would you be here to clear up?" I took off my hat and sunglasses. "That I went AWOL." Ozpin didn't look surprised. "I knew you'd come back eventually, but what did you say about not going AWOL?" I sat down in the chair across from him and told him. "I got shot in the back of the head." I moved my hair out of the way to show him the scar left behind. "Did you see who had shot you?" He asked. I thought for a moment and decided what to tell him. "No sir. I was wrapped in my own thoughts and the shooter snuck up on me." Ozpin seemed skeptical but, he accepted my response. "That's all I need to know. Your team leader had left for a mission not an hour ago to escort a detective over here to help locate you." I stood up and started to leave. "Niko. If you remember who shot you, come and tell me." I nodded and left his office.
I decided to go to the dorm, to see if Ellen and Tess were here. Once I reached the door; a strange scent assaulted my nose; it was a sweet and musky scent .I unlocked the door and quietly walked in. I looked over at where the beds were and noticed that two of the beds were pushed together and I put two plus two together; the scent and the beds that were moved. And there was also the fact that Ellen and Tess were sleeping on the beds that were moved together and I backed away from them when I realized it. I quickly crept over to my trunk and opened it, retrieving a pen and notebook. Sneaking out was easy and getting up to the roof was even easier. The one problem was when I heard someone coming up to the roof. Not wanting anyone to see me, I vaulted over the railing and hung there. I saw it was Yang and Ruby that are on the roof, I tried to listen in on the conversation. "Yang I can't take it anymore. We have to tell Weiss what happened, she's becoming more and more, um..." Yang continued. "Bitchy." Ruby said. "Yeah. But I don't know how we are going to tell her that we shot Niko and that he didn't just disappear." Yang paced for a few minutes then sat down in defeat. "I don't know." I slowly climbed around the railings and snuck around them. "Now I see how Niko must have felt, guilty and like he had betrayed us. Niko I'm so sorry." Ruby said, on the verge of tears. I pulled my self up and walked up quietly behind the sisters, I removed my hat and stood still next to them. "I forgive you." I said. Yang turned towards my quickly and went pale. Ruby walked closer to me and did something unexpected. She hugged me, then jumped up slapped me, and hugged me again. I looked at Yang and said. "Yang. Where's my gun?" She said. "In your weapons locker. Why she reached over to activate Ember Celia. "I am going to need my gun." We all walked over to the locked area and I quickly found mine. Quiet footsteps could be heard, coming from the hallway. It sounded like someone wearing raised heel shoes or boots. "What are you two doing here?" I heard Weiss ask. "We were..." Ruby tried to explain, but was cut off by Weiss. "I don't want to hear it Ruby." I gathered Jackal and holstered it in my coat. I walked around the corner and leaned on the wall behind Weiss. Yang saw what I was trying to do and helped me out by looking at me and in doing so aggravating her. "What are you so interested in that you can't pay attention when......" She said and turned around and saw me. Her eyes began to water and she punched me hard in the chest. "You insensitive bastard! Do you have any idea how worried I've been. Why did you disappear for two weeks? Two Weeks! So what's your excuse?" She yelled at me. I simply knelt down and guided her hand to the back of my head; right where the bullet passed through my head. She felt the scar and asked in a kinder voice. "What happened?" I sighed. "I got shot in the back of the head." She asked. "By who? Just tell me his name and I'll make his life a living nightmare." I stood and held both her hands. "I don't know who shot me, all I know is that who ever it was it wasn't for personal gain, they left my wallet untouched and my scroll was still with me." I said, glancing back over at Ruby and Yang; who looked at me with shock. The last piece of evidence that could have incriminated them, the same person that they shot in the head two weeks ago just denied his knowledge about them being the shooter. I hugged Weiss and told her. "Weiss, I'm going to help Kai out on a mission. I have a feeling he's in danger going on his mission." Weiss accepted what I was saying and said. "You'd better come back or else." I smiled,"Yes ma'am."
Yang followed me out to the carports and tried to thank me. "Niko. Ruby and I are grateful for what you did, but why did you?" I said to her. "I'm loyal. That's all I need to say." I got on my motorcycle and started it up. I speed out of the carport and towards the train station where Kai was going. "Let's hope Kai hasn't gotten himself into trouble.

Third person POV
Overlooking Niko from a stealth airship, two figures, one male, one female wearing similar trench coats to him; one was pure white and the other was olive green. "Jason. I see him. Should I take the shot?" She said; unslinging her single shot 30mm antitank rifle off of her shoulder. Jason finished loading his gatling gun chambered in 5.56mm ammunition . "No Annabelle. Find out where he's going and take the shot when he's vulnerable." Jason and Annabelle's earpieces switched on and said. "Five and Eight. Have you located the target?" Jason answered. "Yes ma'am. Target is on the move."

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