Chapter 12: Preparing

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Niko's Pov

6:30 am

It was finally time for the mission. I had been waiting, looking at the sun had barely risen over the horizon, painting the sky a deep amber from the balcony. Ellie, Tess, Kai, and I all got a message from Prof. Ozpin saying. "The presence of hunters and huntress must be kept secret, so any weapons that were previously used in combat are suggested to be left at Beacon. temporary replacement weapons will be supplied. Sincerely, Professor Ozpin." As Kai and the girls read this, they were disappointed. Unlike the others I was trained with many different weapons and almost any combat situation, so being without Jackel isn't that difficult for me. I said. "Can you guys manage without your weapons?" Ellie nodded, but Kai and Tess looked nervously at me, but said yes. We changed into our causal outfit, I wore a black hoodie, a dark blue t-shirt, black jeans, my gloves and fedora. I quickly pulled my shoes on and I saw that the others were ready. As we exited the dorm we found a keycard and a note. Kai read the note aloud. "Key to weapons supply locker." Meeting up with team Rwby, we headed down to Ozpin's office and I felt myself continuously looking back at Weiss. She wore a white long sleeve shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, a pair of white shoes and a white petticoat with silver clasps. My gaze remained on her for too long, but I realize and mentally slapped myself. "What am I doing. I can't start caring about her, I'd be putting her in harms way if I do." I thought. Sadly I couldn't do that, the same way I couldn't get away from my past and from what I've done. My tattoos that covers my hands and some of my arms can't be removed due to the ink that was used and the medallion that was locked around my neck. The medallion was a simple circle with the letters M and S engraved into it. All eight other mercenaries have the same medallion as I do, it was a mark of being a mercenary for the boss. The letters engraved into it stand for Mary Spire, the woman that raised me and but also made me what I am now, a freak of nature, a monster and I hate her for it. I stopped letting my mind wander and focused at the task at hand. The group continued on our way until we made it to Ozpin's office, he and professor Goodwitch were waiting for us outside. Ozpin was the first to speak. "I am glad you all made it right on time, and all of you received my message I hope." We all nodded. Ozpin said. "Fantastic. Just as the message said I will be giving you temporary replacements for your weapons. Follow me." He led us to an elevator and all ten of us piled inside. It was rather roomy for an elevator and it didn't have a enclosed feel to it. Quickly the elevator began to descend quickly. Soon enough we made it to the floor we needed. The door opened and our group walked towards a heavy set door with a card scanner next to it. Kai swiped the security card and the door swung open, revealing row after row of weapons, the racks reaching the high ceiling with ladders at even intervals and catwalks connecting them. Everything from simple daggers to high capacity rifles and more. "Take what you'll need." Ozpin said. The others scattered amongst the weapons leaving only Weiss and I behind. She said to me. "Care to join me?" I agreed. "Sure." We walked slowly walked through the weapon racks until Weiss found what she was looking for. A rapier on a rack high above us. She stood there thinking about how to reach the sword. I however didn't think, I acted. Quickly scaling the racks with ease and soon enough I reached the rapier. I plucked from the rack and dropped it hilt first to Weiss. I dropped down, landing in a crouch. Weiss was staring at me in surprise. I wasn't sure if it was from me dropping down from about a weapons rack that was about twenty feet off the ground or it was me shrugging it off like it was no big deal. Either way I didn't feel any regret for what I did. I wandered off to find my own weapon. I managed to find Kai, who had found a collapsible halberd. He walked with me for a while while trying to find myself a weapon. "So. What was the deal with helping the ice queen over there?" He asked. I said. "What about it. I helped her. No big deal." He chuckled. "Yeah there is a big deal. You could have helped her by using the ladders, but you climbed the racks. Your showing off for her." I tried to think of something to tell him to deny this when I found what in was looking for. There sat two metal bracers with a rings attached to a transparent cord. I picked the one on the right, and decided to pull the ring. A blade an inch longer than my hand sprung from the underside of the bracer. I pulled on the ring again and the blade retracted back into the bracer. "That is awesome." Kai said. I slid the bracers onto my wrist and tightened them until I was sure them wouldn't come off my wrists on accident. We continued on our way to meet back up at the main door when I decided to grab another weapon that would pack a bigger punch. I settled for a stainless steel saber. The sheath was attached to a sword belt, I quickly put the sword belt on, putting it through the belt loops of my jeans. With the blade at my hip, it felt almost natural for me.

Later that day

At the train station

If Kai was anything, it's not patient. He was pacing back and forth, in front of us. I was sitting down next to Weiss, trying not to panic. Weiss had decided to take a nap and she was using my lap as a pillow. Blake was trying to read a black covered book, the title was written in red curved red hand writing. Yang and Ruby were playing cards with Ellie and Tess, and for once I felt like I had a normal life. If only I had the courage to tell Weiss how I felt about her. "Really?You don't have enough courage. You've killed many terrifying creatures and fought the toughest fighters that any normal man would run from." Pierce said, clearly annoyed. "That wasn't courage, that was insanity. Besides, if I don't have the courage that means you don't either." I thought. The silence told me that I had proved a point and Pierce couldn't think of a come back. The train came into the station, we all stood up and quickly entered. The train was completely empty of passengers other than the eight of us. We decided to split up and do what ever we wanted to do. I looked for a map and saw that there was a train car dedicated to a training and working out. I walked towards the train car and on my way I could have sworn I heard footsteps behind me, I decided to ignored the noise and continued on my path. Once inside I took off my hoodie, my sword belt, my bracers, and my fedora. My cat ears were free from their prison and I went over to the bench press. I began loading weight onto the bar, by the time I was done I had loaded one hundred and twenty pounds onto the bar. Now I know that most people would say that you shouldn't start with that much weight,but for me this is my warm up weight. I lied down on the bench press and began my reps. It had seemed like I had only been there for about a half hour and I already had finished my twelfth rep, that's when it happened. The door swung open and I heard a gasp. I looked over at who had made the sound. If I hadn't put the bar up moments before, there's no doubt I would have dropped the bar on my chest and probably would have broken some of my ribs. "Weiss." I quickly got off the bench press and put my fedora on in a panic. She closed the door behind her, slowly walking towards me. I began to panic a little, but I didn't let it show. She walked to me until we were only a few inches away. "Niko." She said in such a way that made me a little bit nervous. "I came over here to tell you something important, but it seems you need to tell me something first." I swallowed hard. "What do you mean?" I asked. She knocked my hat off, again showing her my cat ears. I sat down in defeat and said. "Alright. You got me, I'm faunas." Weiss them did something that surprised me even more. "And I came here to tell you that..... I think I might be in love." The news made me even more depressed than I already was. "Who is it?" She blushed and said something in audible, even for me. "What?"I asked.

"It's you Niko." Weiss said. I couldn't think or say anything. It's as if my brain stopped functioning. Me not answering her seemed to make her upset and she was on the verge of crying"I knew you didn't love me." She said and tried to run away. Before she could run I grabbed her wrist her eyes were brimmed with tears. "I do love you." She didn't seem to believe me." I don't want you just to say that you love me back. Prove it." She said. I stood up and went to the dueling arena. "How about a duel to prove I mean what I said." Weiss agreed. She wiped her eyes and took her position at the other side is the enclosed chain link fence dome. She drew her rapier and stood in a ready position. I drew my saber and stood ready. She dashed forward, her sword pointing directly at my chest. I used my sword and deflected her blow, sending her off balance. I took the opportunity to get to the far end of the arena. This time I prepared my self to counter every strike she would make. I charged at her, she made a flurry of strikes at me. If I wasn't a dusk, I would have been stabbed multiple times by now. My dusk instincts allow me to focus on my target and be able to know were they are going and where there attacks will land, I remembered that I needed to show Kai how to use his instincts soon. Weiss and I locked blades, I knew what I had to do. I shifted my footing to the right then let Weiss over power me. Her blade struck the ground and I slashed my saber at the hilt of her rapier. The impact caused her sword to spiral out of her hand and I caught it I could have won then and there, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I sheathed by blade and offered her blade back to her. She pushed it aside and hugged me. "You really do love me." From the sound of her voice, I could tell she was on the verge of crying. I hugged her back. All I felt was happiness, something I haven't felt in a long time.

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