Chapter 22: Gunfight

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Niko's POV
I managed to get on the train before it had left, but only barely. I sat down in one of the rear train cars; Kai sat in the front most passenger car. I had almost dosed off when I heard a thud, like someone had landed on the roof of the train. I stood up and followed the sound of footsteps. The footsteps got quiet when they reached the end of the train car. As I turned to walk away, a section of the wall to my left was blown open. About twenty men armed with automatic shotguns and pistols poured in. I tried to identify any of the when I saw the insignia on the shoulder; in an instant I new who they were. Twenty low ranking Spire mercenaries, contracted to find me and kill me. Soon I had twenty guns all pointing at me; thinking fast I decided to surrender and use the element of surprise. I put my hands behind my head. "Alright. You win." The leader looked at me smugly; and said. "Well looks like the big bad Nine is too scared to fight us." I looked ahead and saw that we were approaching a tunnel; "Perfect. They won't know what hit them." I drew my guns and pointed them at the mercenaries. "You can't kill all twenty of us, you only have twelve shots." The leader said, gloating. I shot at the one of the mercenaries; he dodged the bullet and it completely demolished the power box, plunging the train car into darkness. The only light source was the moon and for the mercenaries that means trouble. With me being a faunus, my eyesight at night almost perfect and the mercenaries are a human. I started to laugh like someone who has embraced insanity and said. "I don't know what's fucking funnier. The fact that you guys think that you intimidate me or that you have the confidence to back it up. Here's a question for all of you...... Can you shoot what you can't see?" The mercenaries were confused for a moment, then same that they were dead men once the tunnel plunged the train car into pure darkness.

I kicked the leader in the chest and sent him into his subordinates. I grabbed the one on my right side and shot through his body; using it as a makeshift flash hider. The leader of the mercenaries got back up and shot me with the M16A1 he had strapped to his back. The bullets punched holes in me, but I kept killing. I grabbed the leaders windpipe and kicked him away from me; his larynx torn away from his body and resting in my hand. Soon there was only one mercenary left and he was begging for his life. I placed my hand over his mouth and looked him right in the eyes. He unholstered his sidearm and placed the barrel against his temple. A gunshot rang out and the mercenaries brains were blown out across the wall, a flex of blood contrasted my pale complexion. I was about to stand up when I felt the barrel of a shotgun or rifle was placed against my head. "If you want to keep your head, I suggest you stay there." Said a familiar voice. I said. "You'd blow one of your best friend's head off?" I turned around and Kai lowered Nightingale. A shot rang out and my leg gave out causing me to collapsed. Kai shot my knee out and now was threatening me. "If you ever disappear like that again, I swear I'm going to strangle you." I said. "Ok. I'll try to not disappear too often." He helped me up and more mercenaries poured in through the gaping hole in the wall.
"Let's get rid of them." I said. I reloaded my pistols and shot the mercenaries along with Kai.

Third person view
All seemed well; that was until a final mercenary. A tall and muscular mercenary wearing a olive green trench coat, olive green, black and brown army fatigue pants, and a black tank top. He seemed to be a bit older that Niko and had an accent similar to Niko, but thicker. He said. "Nine, what a surprise." Niko said. "Fuck you Five. I know why your here." The boy known as Five sighed. "Well let's get this over with then." He lifted a Gatling gun up and spun up the barrel. Kai dove behind cover and Niko stood out in the open, saying. "Well that's not fair at all." Five smirked. "Sorry, I don't give a fuck."

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