Chapter 18: Dusk

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Niko's POV

The flashback ended and I woke up on the floor, with Merrick standing over me. My body was stiff and my joints ached. Merrick helped me to my feet, helping me to a chair. "You remembered what happened, didn't you." I nodded. He went over to his desk and grabbed something something from the bottom drawer. Merrick threw the object to me. I saw that it was a red and black inhaler, sealed in a sterol plastic bag. I asked. "What's this?" Merrick told me. "It's called Boost." "So what does it do?" I asked, my curiosity peaked. Merrick explained that Boost has a calming effect on the mind, it soothes and loosens tight muscles, but had mental health effects. "If you take too much of the stuff, your sanity will be completely gone. Leaving no shreds of your humanity behind. You'll become a killing machine once more." I accepted the gift even though I knew the side effects could destroy my sanity, the one thing I've tried to keep intact during my time as a mercenary. I heard gunfire and shouting that was coming from back near the train station. I started to panic and I prepared to jump out the window. Merrick grabbed my shoulder before I jumped. "Be careful, the beowolves around here aren't like you've faced before, they adapt to your attack patterns." I nodded and jumped out the window. As I fell, I felt a strange sensation in behind my eyes and my on my back. I ran towards the gunfire at top speed, completely ignoring the strange feelings. I ran straight into combat; stabbing the first Beowolf I saw in the throat with my wrist blade. As the other Beowolves turned to face their comrade's killer, I felt a strange buildup of energy. The buildup began to hurt, like something was trying to tear its way out of me. I fell to my knees, trying keep myself from blacking out. I felt two spots on my back split open and that's when all hell broke loose. Many pure black tendrils pierced through my flesh and began to coil together, creating two pure black snakelike tentacles were coming from my back; just below my shoulder blades. The mouthed gnashed at the air; almost as if they had a mind of their own. The snakelike tentacles stayed over my shoulders and began to obey my will; almost like extra arms and just in time too; one of the Beowolves charged at me . I grabbed the Beowolf by its hind legs and tore it in half like a wishbone. The next one circled me, then pounced on my chest. I used one of the tentacles to tear out its heart, but one of the tentacles viciously devoured it. Most of the Beowolves had retreated except for one. This Beowolf was the largest of the group; no doubt the alpha male, I charged intending to kill the Beowolf. It moved faster than the others and knocked me off my feet. I charged again, but I had a plan this time. The Beowolf knocked me off my feet a second time, I had used both tentacles to grab the Beowolf's spine, razor sharp teeth embedding deep in its flesh. The tentacles tore away from the Beowolf, tearing the creature's spine out. The spinal column laid at my feet and the tentacles had disappeared. My friends were staring at me, some in awe, others in fear, but the only one that worried me was Weiss. She had a blank expression as she walked up to me. She hugged me, as if she didn't see what I had done.

Honestly I didn't care, one word echoed in my mind. "Dusk."

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