Chapter 5: Relics in Emerald Forest part 2

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Kai's POV

Niko and I were walking through the forest, trying to regain our bearings. Niko climbed up a tree to try and get a better view of the area. Niko said something, but it was faint and muffled. "Say again Niko. Couldn't hear you." Niko yelled. "I said that there's a f..., Agh." Above me branches cracked and came tumbling down along with a very dazed Niko. He stood up, stumbling forward. "Either I have a concussion or internal bleeding. Or both." I helped support him while he recovered. Niko shook his head and said. "Alright I'm good now, I'm good." I was skeptical. "You sure?" I asked. Niko reassured me. "Im fine." I had to watch his back, because we were partners and it seems the more he gets hurt, the more exhausted he gets and I can't have him collapse out in the forest. Niko brushed himself off and told me what he tried to tell me. "Someone started a fire."

(Kai) "Like a campfire?"

(Niko) "No. A forrest fire."

(Kai) "Oh how far away?"

(Niko) "Quite far,but I can get us there." I was confused by this, how could Niko get us that far quickly. Niko walked behind me and stopped, placing a gloved hand against the back of my head and the other hand on my shoulder. "Niko, what are you doing?" He said. "I'm supporting your head so you won't get whiplash. "What?" I said. Niko said like he was talking to a three year old. "Whip-lash." I sighed. "I know what whiplash is but from what?" Niko smirked. "This."

We shot forward at blinding speeds, as we did the world went dark. No light could be seen for a few seconds then came back full blast. My stomach felt like it had been shredded and stitched back together. I fell to my knees due to the nausea. Niko patted my shoulder and said. "Don't worry, the feeling passes." As I got my self together, I asked. "What the hell...was that?" Niko helped me to my feet. "That my friend, was shadow travel. It's a little trick I learned a while ago, it helps me get places faster than normal." I was panting and said. "Next time, warn me before you do something like that." Niko smiled and said. "Alright." The nausea started to pass, we continued to walk until we found a clearing.

Stone pillars surrounded a large stone platform. On the platform, six podiums were holding chess pieces. I crouched behind a nearby boulder, trying to look for any ursa or beowolves in the clearing. Unlike Niko, who walked out in the open without care. "Niko what are you doing?" He turned towards me ask said. "What do you think. I'm going to grab the relic." He turned back around and ran to the platform. I slowly followed behind him, still nervous. I got to the platform and Niko was standing with one hand on his chin, pondering his choices. Of the pieces, there was two gold knight pieces, two black rooks, one black knight, and two black bishops. Niko grabbed the remaining black knight piece and began to leave. More students began to enter the clearing, several being chased by grim. A blonde haired girl was being chased by an ursa, I almost ran in to help when a deafening sound rang out. The ursa's head was blown to pieces, raining black blood down on the blonde. I turned to see Niko had pulled out his pistol, a small wisp of smoke trailing from the tip of the barrel. Once my ears stop ringing, I asked. "What the hell does that fire?" Niko ejected the magazine and pulled round out, showing me. The bullet was normal size, but was a grey color instead of the normal brass color and the tip of the bullet was a white crystal. "It's a tungsten and titanium mix, full metal jacket, anti-materiel, dust tipped bullet. Each one is powerful enough to stop a truck." I was awe struck and confused. Jackal was the equivalent of a anti tank rifle. "How do you even hold that thing, let alone fire it? It's like holding a sawed off shotgun with one hand, it just doesn't work." Niko holstered Jackal,"There is a lot you don't know about me. Now come on, we better get going." A loud bird like screech made Niko cover his ears. He looked up,"Oh shit."

In the sky were two Nevermore circling the clearing. I told the other students,"Everyone grab a piece and get ready to run, we're getting out of here." Niko said. "I'll get rid of one of the Nevermore, you guys take the other out." Before I could stop him, he disappeared in a small cloud of smoke. I turned around to face the others, who were pointing their weapons at the approaching grim. "Alright. You guys know the plan, kill and run, don't stop running." Loud gunshots rang out and one of the Nevermore began to thrash around and break formation. Niko was buying us time, it might not have been all we needed but he was trying. I was certain of one thing though, Niko was either absolutely insane or extremely brave. Either way he's a badass.

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