Extras part 2

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Character bio's part 2

Backstories and life goals

Kai: With him being Nora's brother, he was constantly compared to her by his friends, which is why he acts without thinking and fights recklessly. He doesn't know much about the scar on his face, but what his family told him.

Height: 5'8

Likes: anime, his friends, his weapon

Dislikes: bullies, people comparing him to Nora, and waiting

Fears: spiders

Blood type: Unconfirmed

Life goal: to become a hunter and protect his loved ones

Theme song: Monster by Skillet

Niko: He was a member of a nine member mercenary team that can be traced back to involvement in assassinations, genocide, and demolishing hundreds of villages. The team seemed to vanish after Niko left, but it couldn't be confirmed. Afterwards records of Niko within the White Fang were found and he was found helping the White Fang and was leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake. Once he left, Niko went into a severe depression and attempted suicide several times, but was unable to complete them because of his quick healing, thus making him more depressed and angry with himself. Niko is loyal and protective of anyone who befriends him, but thinks of them as associates in order to stay emotionally unattached. Niko acts aggressively and violent toward anyone who mistreats faunas, yet he only attacks when Pierce is in control.

Height: 6,4

Likes: Weapons

Dislikes: Anyone who mistreats faunas

Fears: None

Blood type: unknown

Life goal: Revenge

Theme song: My Demons by Starset

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