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     Wow. I really screwed up dinner. Turns out Reese teamed up with Sarah, just because he "loved" her. I don't understand the couple love, even at the age of 17. No one dated me, no one had feelings for me yet. It didn't really bother me, since I blew most boy's heads off by being a complete bad girl.

* * *

I was doing nothing but reading Reese's old DC comics in my room, since I had nothing else to do on a Friday night. I didn't want to talk to Reese or Sarah anymore, since they obviously were still mad with me. While reading them, Pops entered my room.

"Did Sarah and Reese drive you crazy, too?" I asked.

"No." He answered.

"I don't know how."

"Randi Connor, I came to tell you a member from Skynet maybe after us again."

I stared at him in shock. "What?!"

Just what I needed. Another man from my past to come back. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. If he asked for your name, he must be coming after us."

Suddenly, my window broke, and it was the man. I screamed and reached for the handgun I kept in my jewelry box while Pops ran towards him to fight him. Pops was punching and kicking him like a punching bag, since he was close to being skinny as Christian Bale in the Machinist. Just kidding! He was skinny, but he was slightly buff. I began firing at him to help Pops, but the man just won't fall through the window.

"What do you want from me?!" I shouted.

He suddenly fell through the window, crashing on the ground, after Pops gave him a punch in the jaw. "Thanks Pops."

"No problem."

Sarah and Reese rushed upstairs, worried about me. "Randi! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I assured, putting my handgun away in my jewelry box.

"Whoa, you put a gun in your jewelry box?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah! What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, it's just cool."

"It appears we have a new threat." Pops informed.

"Again?" Reese asked.

"Hey! I'm all in! The best part about this is I don't have to go to school!" I exclaimed.

Reese glanced at me like I was insane. He should've known I was insane I already, since I sleep with a knife under my pillow, even though I was better at using a pistol. "Randi, this isn't about you not going to school, it's about our lives."

"I know that, I was just joking."

"Bad joke." Pops said.

"So now what?" Sarah asked.

"We have to get out of here. If we don't that freak is gonna find us, and one of us are gonna die." I answered.

"No. All of us will die if he comes." Pops corrected.

Reese sighed and shook his head. I knew he didn't want to do this, after what happened with the whole Skyfall fiasco, but we had to do something. Besides, I don't know how this stranger found out where I was, but he was pretty good, I admit.

"Pops, how do you think he found me?" I asked.

"He must've learned something from your father, John Connor." He answered.

Good thing I had some awesome guys by my side.

TERMINATOR: Apocalypse [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now