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Skynet terminators. The same machines from the war I fought. Made of metal and wires, and in the form of a human. They were firing bullets at us with different kinds of guns in their hands.

"WHOA!" I shouted.

"Terminators!" Sarah exclaimed.

"This is fantastic! We have no guns! And yet, they're shooting at us!"
"I do! There are guns and ammo in the back!" Mom informed.

"Thanks!" I replied, going in the back.

I handed everyone a gun after I quickly loaded all of them up. "Let's go shoot some terminators!"

Mom broke a window to the side, shooting the terminators through the hole she made through the window. Reese and I shoot from one window after I broke it by smashing it with the barrel of the sniper rifle I held. Sarah and Pops were taking the front, shooting at the machines.

"How do you kill these things?!" Mom asked.

"Aim for the soul!" I answered, remembering what Dad told me before I fought my first battle.

"You really sound like John, Randi!" Reese complemented.


When more terminators were coming for us in the middle of the road, Sarah drove the truck off of the deserted road by taking a sharp right turn, but later returning to the road.

"I'll be back." Pops said.

"Pops no!" Sarah exclaimed.

It was too late, he jumped through the broken windshield, fighting the terminators as Sarah was driving around the terminators to shoot them. Pops tossed them at each other, took of their guns and shoot all of them.

"Sarah, I think Pop's plan is coming in full affect!" Reese exclaimed.

"No, you think?" I asked.

Finally, all of the terminators were dead after Pops shot the last one. He entered the vehicle again, and we continued to get farther away from Skynet and their deadly weapons.

"Curse you, Skynet." I said, returning to the couch.

"That's exactly how I feel." Reese replied, sitting beside me.

"We must get rid of everything Skynet has created." Pops informed. "If we don't, we will be in another war like this."

"And it won't be easy." I added.

"So, we're against them, again?" Sarah asked.

"Yes. Skynet created so many weapons for us to demolish. Thankfully, Genisys will not be able to return. All that is left are weapons like the D-900."

"What about Skynet supporters?" I questioned.

"They won't be able to do anything."
"How?" Reese asked.

"Because we will show them why."

"This is crazy..." Mom said.

"No. It isn't. The people who made Skynet were crazy." I corrected.

* * *

It was 2 hours since the fight with those terminators. I woke up, winding myself wrapped in Reese's arms, and with Mom staring at me with a smile. She began to giggle. "He really wants to keep you safe, doesn't he?"

"Um... Y- Yeah... He does." I replied.

Reese was asleep. I could tell, since he didn't say much. If he were awake, he'd probably complain like he always did.

"Why is he like that?" She asked.

I remembered what Dad said before Reese and I left to save the world a year ago. "Take care of my little girl for me." I had no idea those were going to be the final words he'd tell me before he died and sold out to Skynet.

I had a hard time telling Mom, with a choked up voice. "Dad told him to watch out for me." I cried, missing Dad. "And those were the last words he said before he died."

Reese woke up, and held me close as I cried. "Hey, Randi! What's wrong?"
"Sorry." I apologized, looking down and wiping my tears. "I just got emotional talking about Dad."

"Randi. If John were alive, he'd be extremely proud." Mom assured.

No. He'd try killing me all over again for what I did to him.

I knew what she meant. If he wasn't for Skynet, and if he were the same person he met before he died, he would've been proud of me. I just chose not to speak my mind, so I wouldn't make things worse.

"Randi, you don't have to apologize for nothing!" Reese assured. "Don't be so hard on yourself."

A/N: I get nothing much happens in this chapter, but I will try to make things better! And yes, I put a poor photo edit of this story in this chapter... Because I worked hard on it! But the outcome was unfortunately pretty bad...

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