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     It was midnight. Reese and Sarah were asleep in the back, while Pops and I were still awake. Pops was taking the wheel, since he didn't sleep. We changed places 30 minutes ago at a gas station, fueling up on gas, and so that Sarah could sleep in the back with Reese.

"We have a lot to get ready for." Pops informed.

"You're right, we do..." I replied, looking through my window.

Nothing was by the sides of the road. Just dead trees, burned down houses, and tons of open land with high thick grass.

"Do you think we'll live through this?"

"Yes." Pops answered. "If we got through Skynet, we can get rid of them again."

A vehicle crashed into the truck on Pop's side. I shrieked, till I blacked out with my head hitting the glass window of my door.

* * *

"Randi!" Sarah screamed.

"RANDI! You better wake up!" Reese yelled.

I probably did something wrong. I thought, by the way the sounded.

Man, I was wrong. I woke up, lying on a concrete floor, with the back of my hands handcuffed. My head felt like crap, and I felt horrible. Thankfully, it was morning with the sun shining brighter than I've ever seen it. "Sarah? Reese?"

"RANDI! Help us!" Reese shouted.

I saw two men in skull masks pointing guns against their heads, as they were handcuffed to each other in two chairs. I woke up completely once I saw this. "Hey! Leave them alone! Where's Pops?!"
"He's been taken to another room, kid." The one pointing a gun against Sarah's head answered.

"Look, please don't hurt them! They're the only family I have!"

"Do we look like we care?" The 2nd one asked.

We were in a room that looked like the building in Die Hard with Bruce Willis. The only difference was, it wasn't blown up; it was abandoned, and we were on the roof.

I heard gunshots being fired, below me, and a woman scream, "Get away from me!"

It was woman dressed in a biker's outfit, with another skull mask, facing the same stranger after me. He grabbed her by the throat, and slapped the gun out of her hand. "Listen very carefully to me, we made a deal."

"The deal's off!" She hissed.

He punched her in the face, and tossed her on the ground. Her body landed next to mine so hard, I think I heard some bones snap. The two thugs left Reese and Sarah alone, coming for the stranger, but he killed them with the same snake tattoos he used on Reese and me.

"Pops!" I called.

I looked back at the woman who was moaning beside me, and struggling to get up. Oh what am I thinking?! I can ask her! "Excuse me, but where the hell is our other partner?"

"Go to hell." She hissed.

"Look woman! You better tell us, or I'll kick your butt to the curve! Handcuffed or not!"

"You wish."

"Rachel, you promised me you'd hand me the girl responsible for killing John Connor." The man reminded.

I was furious off with that girl already. First, she takes us, now I get told she promised to hand me to the freak trying to kill me?

"What?! Why did you promise him that?!" I questioned.

She just ignored me. "I know, I just failed."
Reese broke free from the handcuffs, releasing Sarah, too. They picked up the guns that laid next to the dead men, and began shooting at him. While he was down, Reese and Sarah released me.

"C'mon Randi!" Reese exclaimed, helping me up.

The woman arouse from the ground, too. And stared at me in shock. "Randi?"

I got confused. Why would she stare at me in surprise like that? I was hoping she thought I wasn't one of her past friends. "Yeah! That's my name! Goodbye!"
That was all I could say. I didn't trust her now, since she screwed me over. As the three of us were trying to safely get out of the tower, the woman followed us. "Let me come with you!"
"No way! You screwed me over, and I'm not following for your crap!" I replied.

"Pops!" Sarah called.

He broke through a door in a deserted hallway we walked through. "Let's get out."
"Sounds good to me!" Reese exclaimed.

But the stranger returned, firing a sword made of tattoo ink in my shoulder. I never hated tattoos so much in my entire life! As I tried getting it off of me, I closed my eyes and gnashed my teeth again, with the pain just like a real sword in my shoulder. "Randi!"
"I'm coming for you!" He assured.

The woman pulled out her gun from her side pocket, shooting him three times.

"C'mon! It's time to go!" Sarah exclaimed, running away.

The four of us followed her, while I kept on trying to get the sword out of me. "Pops, how can you get rid of ink?!" He pulled it out by transforming his hand into a needle, pulling it off, and throwing it back at our enemy.

"Thanks, I needed that!" I exclaimed.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't with all of us being in deep trouble so far. "There's no time for that! C'mon! We're almost out!"

* * *

We were FINALLY at the last floor of this building. "There it is!"

I ran for it, till I saw Reed standing in my way with a gun. "Reed?"

"You aren't going anywhere." He assured. "Do you think I'll let you go? After you and your friends stopped the app Genisys from happening?"

"It was gonna kill everyone!"

Pops snatched the gun out of his hand. "Get out."
Reed ran for his life, while Pops and I exited the building. We saw Reese, Sarah, and the stranger waiting for us in an RV. I entered it, relieved to get away from that man. Sarah was driving us again, while Reese and the woman sat on the couch.

When I saw the woman, I wanted to knock her teeth down her throat for everything she tried to do. "I thought I told you to get lost?!"
"Randi, you don't understand." She said.

"Understand what? That you tried to sell me to that guy that's trying to kill us?!-"

"Just listen to me!" She shouted, shoving me down on the couch, and sitting beside me.

"Why should I listen to you? And how could I trust you?"

She sighed and took off her mask. Reese stared at her wide-eyed like oh my gosh, she's hot! Pops just looked at this soberly like he always did, while Sarah didn't bother to look. I didn't know what to say when I looked at her. Because she looked so guilty, with the look of wanting and needing forgiveness.

"Randi, why don't you remember me?" She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Because I don't remember meeting you! I was raised in an army, not the pitch-perfect family home."

She sighed. "Yes, I know. But you have to believe me. I'm your mom."

I widened my eyes. I couldn't believe I met my mom. When I ever asked Dad about my mom, he told me to never mention her again. There were so many questions I wanted to ask her. "Really? W- What happened to you? Where were you while Dad and I were fighting Skynet?-"

"They killed me!" She began to cry. "I remember waking up in the hospital with John. Skynet was trying to kill us. They raided our room, and killed me."

I hugged her, knowing I shouldn't asked her another question. There was so much more I needed and wanted to know, but if I asked her every question that was going through my mind, she would've hated me. At least I found her.

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