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     It was 3:24 PM. We had to make another pit stop. As I waited outside with a handgun in my pocket, D-900 returned.

"Randi Connor." He greeted.

I pointed the gun at him, and stared at him like Pops would. "Look, if you want Skynet back, I can tell you right now you can kiss my rear."

"No. We want Skynet back." Reed added, pointing a hunting gun at me.

I lowered my gun, knowing I couldn't shoot them both. I would've shot Reed since he was an a-hole, but I didn't want the D-900 to kill me to seek revenge for Reed.

"Reed, what are you doing here again?" I asked.

"I've been working for Derek." He answered.

"Derek? Who is that?"

"The D-900."

"Really? You couldn't find a better name for him? Oh yeah, that's right! Your name is Reed, so it makes perfect sense why you gave him a bad name."

"Randi is a horrible name, too. Because it belongs to someone like you."

"It's better than Reed and Derek!"

I shot the two in the foot, later shooting them in random places as fast as I could. I just couldn't help myself to shoot them. I was just dying to.

"Randi? What the hell is going on out there?" Mom asked, opening the door.

"Just some butt-kicking! Nothing big!" I answered.

I ran inside the truck, driving it away from the gas station with everyone inside.

"Randi, what are you doing?!" Sarah snapped.

"The D-900 and Reed are here!" I replied. "They want us dead as usual!"

"Did you shoot them?" Reese asked.

"Yeah I did!"

"Randi! You just ticked them off! Now they're gonna come after us! And they won't stop!"

"So what?! I make everyone mad!"

"Here they come!" Mom shouted.

I pulled out my gun, once I saw them in front of me, and began shooting at them as I drove. I killed Reed, but I couldn't kill Derek. Derek healed himself when he was shot, like Pops would do. So killing him would be a migraine.

"One down! One to go!" I yelled. "Pops! I need you to take care of this one!"

"Um... Randi! There's more!" Reese corrected.

"What are you talking about?"

"There are more terminators out there!"

"Crap!" I slammed my hand on the wheel. "We can never win!"

"Randi Connor. We will win. I need you and Kyle Reese to come with me." Pops corrected.

"What? Why what are you doing?" Mom asked.

"Sarah! Take control of the wheel, please!" I requested.

"Don't worry sweetie, I will!" Sarah assured, accepting my request.

"Bring weapons." Pops ordered.

Reese used a sniper rifle, and brought a large bottle of ammo in his coat pocket. "Alright, let's go!"

Mom grabbed my hand. "Randi, no!"
"Mom, let me go! I'm gonna be fine!" I assured.

"No, you aren't! I don't want to lose you again! We were separated once, and I'm not letting it happen again!"

I could understand why Mom didn't want me to leave, but I had to keep her everyone else safe.

"Let her go. Randi Connor will be safe with me. I promise. We'll be back." Pops informed, before the three of us exited the RV.

TERMINATOR: Apocalypse [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now