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     Reese, Pops, and I were by the road, fighting the Skynet terminators. Pops fought two, Reese fought one while running, and I fought two. They almost killed me by shooting me, but I shot the two in the soul, causing them to fall dead. After killing them, Derek approached me.

"You should give up." He said, with his hood off of his head.

"You should die and go to hell." I corrected.

He giggled. "Do you think you can kill me?"

I stole John McClane's famous words. Sorry Mr. McClane. It felt pretty good to say those words though. I proceeded to shooting in the brain, but he healed himself already. I ran for my life, as I shot other terminators. Reesing Reese struggle to fight five terminators, I shot three of them in the soul, while he shot the other two.

"Reese, where's Pops?" I asked, looking around.

Before he could answer, I saw Pops taking on 10 other terminators. I held Reese's hand, running towards Pops with him following me. When we were close to them, I began shooting at them with Reese's help. Eventually, we took out those terminators with Pop's help. Reese was so tired, he leaned on me like a fence post, catching his breath.

"How do you feel Reese?" I questioned, breathlessly.

"Old..." Reese answered.

"Me too. But not obsolete." Pops added.

"How do you feel Randi?" Reese asked.

"Like John McClane." I answered.

"Randi!" Mom called, as Sarah drove the RV.

"Are you guys okay?" Sarah shouted.

"Yeah! We're fine!" I yelled back.

The three of us walked to the RV, as Sarah drove it towards us. Pops and Reese entered first, while I was last. I almost got in it, till I felt a large needle go through me. I closed my eyes and gasped for air, with the pain being unbearable.

"Randi!" Sarah screamed, coming for me.

"RANDI! Don't worry! I'm coming!" Reese assured, following Sarah.

I reached out for them, but my body was pulled back, and I was still catching my breath, struggling to live.

"Sarah..." I moaned. "Reese... Pops..."
I blacked out.

* * *

"Randi, relax." I heard Derek's voice said.

"Huh? D- Derek?" I asked, waking up in a surgeon's room.

I laid in a hospital bed, with at least 4 nurses by my bedside. Derek left, after stroking my hair. One nurse stuck a needle in me that was filled with a black substance. It hurt like hell to get that in me. I screamed, reaching to pull it out of me, but two nurses held me down.

"Get that piece out of me!" I shouted.

* * *

I woke up, again. This time, I was lying in a hospital bed in a hospital room with a hospital gown on. I felt like I was changed. Something about me just didn't seem to be right.

"Nice to see you." Derek greeted, entering the room.

"What did you do to me?" I asked.

"Randi. I upgraded you, alright?"


He used John McClane's line like I did.

I just forced my lips together.

"Randi. You should be on your knees, thanking me right now. I made you better than what you were."
"I was fine the way I was, till you came in, and screwed everything up! Besides, why did you 'upgrade' me?" I asked with finger quotes.

He pulled out a red button on a TV-like remote control, which made me get electrocuted. I screamed, till it stopped. "I made you a terminator like the other Skynet ones."
I placed my fingers against my temples, feeling small chunks of metal against them. Hearing that he made me a terminator almost bought me to tears. I felt like Dad now, being like this.

"How can I be a terminator?" I asked.

"Because you were added machinery." He answered. "And don't even try betraying Skynet. Because if you do, you and your friends are gonna pay."

A/N: So Randi is a terminator now? What next? Also, I added another bad edit of mine... LOL.

TERMINATOR: Apocalypse [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now