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     Reese, Sarah, Pops, and I loaded up on weapons, food, water, clothing, and all the possible things any person could need. As we loaded, Reese came to my room.

I was a little surprised he came to my room, since he only came when he needed something from me. I knew he didn't need anything from me, already having everything. "You're here?"
"Don't sound so shocked." He commanded.

"Why wouldn't I? You only come when you need something."

"That's not true!"

"Ha-ha! Do you really think I'd believe that?"

"Look, I just wanted to tell you that we're ready to go, and I'm sorry for what's been going on lately."

"Like what?"
"Like what happened at dinner tonight."

"That's fine. I'm just ready to kick butt when you are."

We exited the house, finding Pops in the driver's seat of my pickup truck. "So, he's driving?"

"You got a problem with that?" Reese asked.

"No. I'd be different if you were." I answered.

He snorted, till we found the stranger return again. He took of the hood that covered his face, holding his arm out, which had a tattoo of a snake coming out of his skin. I shot one bullet to see what would happen as I ran away from it with Reese, and it wasn't affected by it.

"Crap!" I shouted.

The snake got on my skin, and bit me like a real venomous snake. I screamed as it was biting me. "Get it off!"

"Randi. You should've never messed with Skynet." The stranger spoke.

My body was pulled towards the man as I was struggling to get the snake out of my skin. Reese ran for me to help me, but a tattoo of another snake got on his skin. It didn't bite him, but Reese could feel it crawling on him. His body was slammed against the truck, as he was struggling like I was.

"Kyle! What's wrong?!" Sarah asked.

Reese wouldn't answer, too distracted in the pain he was in; moaning with his eyes closed, and his teeth gnashing.

Pops exited the car, coming for the stranger as I was being dragged close to him. When I was by the man's feet, he pulled the snake tattoo off of my skin, which felt like a fishing hook being violently pulled from the skin it was caught in. Of course, Reese and I screamed, getting these removed.

"This one's for John." He whispered, preparing the tattoo of a sword to stab me.

Pops stopped him by body slamming him like a wrestler. I ran for my life in the truck with Reese since the tattoo on him was gone. I grabbed my handgun from my jewelry box, and rolled down my window to fire those bullets at him as Sarah was driving the truck to get to Pops. The fired bullets made of ink on Pops, but it didn't do any damage, since it would heal. However, he pulled out a gun from his pocket, which had extremely hot bullets. 3 went through Pop's chest, making him fall on the ground. Thankfully, I struck the man in the chest with 2 bullets, which made him all on the ground.

"Pops! Get in!" Sarah ordered.

He entered, and we drove away, ready for another adventure. And to save the world, again.

"What kind of terminator is he?" Reese questioned.

"He isn't a terminator." Pops answered.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, what the hell is he?" Sarah questioned.

"He is a weapon created by Skynet. John Connor was partly responsible for his existence, kidnapping a human to make him. I do not know who he is, because I can no longer identify who people are."

"Are there going to be other people just like him?" I questioned.

"Yes. They made it through because they were taken to different places other than Skynet."

"Like different states?"


Reese sighed. "Well, we got more people to kill."
"We need to get paid for this." I said.

"Pops, are you okay?" Sarah asked.

"Yes. My wounds are healed. The stranger unfortunately knows what my weaknesses are." Pops answered.

"Heat? And that liquid that killed the last terminator we fought?" I guessed.


"Looks like we got a lot of Hell to face." Reese said.

This was gonna be hard. I knew right away from all the things Pops told us. Now it looks like Pops wasn't going to be our biggest weapon, it seemed like it would either had to be Sarah, Reese or me. Either that, or our biggest weapon was all of us working as a team to take out some guys.

TERMINATOR: Apocalypse [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now