Chapter 6

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Walking down the empty hallway, Emma turned into another dead end.

"Dammit, how many dead ends are here anyways?" She hissed under her breath and started her journey back to the starting point.

The rusty walls aligning either side of her gave off a creeping feeling but she ignored it like always. The ally way seems non-ending as she walked and walked to find her way out of this creepy dark place.

Perhaps she was lost.

But the question was what was this creepy place and why was she here in the first place? Finally reaching the end of dark ally, Emma turned left this time and voila there was a black door.

She hesitated for a minute whether to go through that weird door in this empty dark place. But then she had no choice. The only way out of the place was perhaps through the door. So she sucked it up.

Emma slowly turned the greasy knob and the door open with a loud creak. She couldn't see anything because of the darkness in the room as she stepped in.

The rotten smell of blood and piss overwhelmed Emma's senses and made her queasy as she quickly covered her nose with her hand.

The strong smell burned her eyes as she gasped for a fresh breath. She desperately looked around for another exit but the darkness in the room made everything difficult.

Emma's eyes roamed the room for an escape route. There. Suddenly her eyes landed on a person sitting in the far corner of the room. The person seems almost invisible with pushing up against the wall into the tiny corner like that.

Emma slowly advance toward the person only to stop few feet away. From up close Emma could tell the person was 14 or 15 years old girl.

The girl was crouching on the floor with her head resting on the patella of her knees, arms tightly hugging her legs and eyes shut tightly. It seem that the girl was afraid to even open her eyes. Her long hair covered most of her face and arms.

The girl's skinny body shook with every sobs yet not single peep could be heard in the room.

What? was she that scared to make a noise?

For some reason, the girl seemed familiar but Emma couldn't recall properly. Just as Emma lowered herself to the ground in order to ask the girl what was she doing in that kind of place and who was she?


The loud noise of door slamming open echoed off the walls making Emma half scare to death. Her heart pumped extremely loudly in her chest as she crawled back against the wall just like the girl.

She was sacred.... no terrified but why?

It was an automatic response from her body like it went through this before. Emma looked at the girl and she could see that the girl was shaking in her spot just like Emma. Her eyes shut even tightly now as if she was afraid to see anything.

As soon as the voice of shoes scraping the floor invaded the room, Emma immediately shut her eyes close, her hands automatically flew to cover her ears and she crouched to the floor in a fatal position just like the girl beside her.

What was happening?

She had no idea why she was terrified beyond anything. Emma's whole body was covered in sweat and shook uncontrollably as if to wake herself from this nightmare but it was not effective. Suddenly the room filled with sobs and choking sounds.

Who was making those sounds?

Emma was confused as to who was making those God awfully yet painful sounds? Perhaps the girl, Emma thought as she slighty slit her eyes to look at the girl but she was gone from beside her. 

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