Chapter 8

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The clock on Ethan's bedroom table flashed again and again as he flung his suite jacket over his muscular body.

All in black, the man looked a deadly handsome demon. Ready to strike all the women of the town. Ethan was a very handsome man in general. However, his personality wasn't as appelaing as his perfectly defined face and body.

He had clean shaved his beard in anticipation of kissing that evil pixie.

Emma always complained about his beard poking her in the past evrytime he tried to kiss her and that was a lot of the time.

The woman complained too much in general. However, she was in no way a brat nor was she a weakling that needed protection all the time. In-fact, she was the opposite once you got pass the barrier she put front.

Emma was a very unique character. She was strong and stubborn then anyone can imagine. She was very manipulating and calculative, a trait she got from her father. She knew how and when to get out of sticky situations.

Even when they were young, Emma was on top of her game. She was intelligent and cunning in dealing with people around her and making them kneel before her without much effort.

All the teachers at their school absolutely adored her for some unknown reason and always favored her over other students even though she barely helped them out or did anything for them.

Although most of the student body was under Ethan's control, that tiny demon still managed to manipulate them. They all hated her but not even single one of them dared to lay a finger on her pretty little head and that had nothing to do with Ethan's presence.

The woman was a tiny little deadly package when she wanted to. But most of the time she just didn't give a shit. That was her problem. Emma was easily bored and lost interest fairly quickly whether it was subjects, hobbies or people.

She was what you called a loner. Emma did not like people in general and she absolutely hated the idea of being part of something big. She much rather read a book at home then go out and join the crowd.

Nobody at the school or outside of her house had seen her talk, smile or show any other emotions except when she was yelling and screaming at Ethan.

Annoying her was the only way to make her reactive, Ethan had learned that at a very young age and so he did more and more as they grew up.

He bullied her in hopes of getting her used to the people around her, pay attention to her surroudings and be able to distinguish between good and bad people.

But all reasons aside, he simply liked to bully her, tease her beacuse it gave him some unknown pleasure. Maybe it was the fact that she wasn't scared of him and treated him any indifferently.

Emma always considered him just another teenage boy with raging hormones rather than the future leader of mafia world. Whatever the case maybe, he found her absolutely enchanting and irresistible when she got angry.

The way her whole body used to shake and turn red always left him with hard-on. Just the thought of her reaction when he makes love to her burned his blood like lava for her.

Not a single movement passed in his teenagers years when Ethan didn't think about her tiny body withering and shaking with pleasure under him as she screamed for him.

Even now, just thinking about her was making him hard to a painful level. Growling in back of his throat like a starved wolf, Ethan tugged the gun under his suite.

Buttoning his jacket, he waved a hand through his perfectly styled hair on last time and exited his bedroom. He was in a hurry to end the meeting so he could go see the woman haunting his mind since forever.

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