Chapter 17 My little one

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So, I really have absolutely no idea what the hell I just did with this chapter.... It just didn't come out like I wanted it too... I really hope it's not as bad as I think it is...


~Angelica's POV~

"Can we go get a celebration snack or something?" Niall asked as his stomach growled loudly, making me giggle quietly. I looked over at Annabelle and then back at Perrie. She nodded her head softly encouraging me to go on.

"Why don't we go back to the house? Anna can help me bake up some desserts for us all to enjoy. Right Anna?" I asked, looking over at Anna shyly

"Right," Anna said, smiling brighter then I've seen all night.

"But Anna Banana and I had specific plans," Liam said pouting and I grinned.

"Too bad Liam," I shot back playfully. "Anna is hanging with me. You can kiss her all you want later." Anna chuckled as I looped my arm through hers, following Security out to the limo headed for home.

~At Home~

After we got home and everyone changed into to normal clothes Anna and I were getting thing ready in the kitchen while everyone else was in the living room. I glanced over at Anna who was melting chocolate on the stove as I cut up some fruit. I sighed, know I was going to have to talk to her sooner or later. I carefully set down the knife I was clutching and walked over, closing the door that separated the Kitchen from the living room. I turned back around and Saw Anna had finished with the chocolate and was watching me. I took a deep breath before starting. 

"Anna.." I started, nervously fidgeting with my hands, refusing to look at her, instead I was studying the nice pair of sneakers Anna had insisted on buying me when she heard me tell Niall that I had taken dance when I was little and my mum would always make me run with her to keep in shape.  "I really don't know what to say.. To be honest I am terrified right now...."

"Ang-" She tried to say but I cut her off.

"No, wait, let me talk first." I said quickly. She frowned a bit but nodded. "I've been thinking a lot since I talked with Perrie at the show. And she was right about how even though someone is like me... Doesn't mean they can't make mistakes.. But what you did to her, It scared me, I don't think I've been that scared since my dad.. left... I know you were just trying to protect me, but no one, no matter what they do, deserves to get hit like that.. I'm not going to say that I'm never going to forgive you for what you did, because I'd be lying if I did.. I do forgive you, if Perrie can forgive you then so can I... But, just because I forgive you doesn't mean everything is going to go back to normal... I really hate saying this, but I'm scared Anna..." I said slowly, keeping my eyes on my hands as the fiddled with the fruit I cut up, slowly putting them in separate bowls.

"Angie... You have no idea how sorry I am for that. I am so so sorry, I NEVER wanted to scare you like that." She said taking steps towards me but stopped when I stiffened. I heard her sigh but she continued. "I know that I screwed up when I did that Angie, and I know you said you forgive me but I know deep down in your heart that you don't... But Angie please, please don't be scared of me, I know i frightened you but i swear, it will never happen again! I just want to help you, not scare you..." She said and I sighed and turned to her.

"I know Anna. And I really, really don't want to be scared but after everything I've been through, every word, every punch, every scar, every.... r-rape.. I went through it's just so, freaking hard not to be scared... I really do want things to go back like we were before, but it's just going to be hard for me..." I said and she sighed and nodded, giving me a small smile before going back to what she was doing. 

Adopted By One DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora