Chapter 22 A Petition of Marriage and Duct Tape

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[AN: So I promised Jordan that for the next few chapters I will only write fluff chapters. No drama. This is going to be so hard. Here is my best effort! <3 Bekah]


“Li Bear stop tickling me!” Annabelle giggled from the living room couch.

“No way Anna Banana,” Liam cooed back to her as he tickled her mercilessly.

I rolled my eyes. Don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled that we got Anna back and all. Angelica is happier, and I like when she is happy. But the lovey-dovey talk is getting ridiculous at this point. They go everywhere together as well. I would bet good money she goes to the bathroom with Liam too.

“Hey Dad,” Angelica said walking up next to me. “What are you thinking?”

“Do they sell anti-nausea meds for people that are nauseated by their friends’ love lives?” I asked honestly.

“Nope,” she replied with a sassy grin. “I checked. Trust me, I want it to stop too, but unfortunately I don’t have the heart. They’re just so happy together.”

“Remind me again why she had to move into our house?” I asked. Angelica smiled at me once again.

“She sold the house next door remember? Besides she will leave soon, and she will take Liam with her.”

“And how are you so sure of that?” I asked my now grinning daughter.

“Because they won’t live here once they get married.”

“What if they don’t get married?” Angelica shot me a look and pointed to Liam and Annabelle who were now seated facing one another exchanging tiny little kisses. I guess that was my answer. “So what are your plans for the day?”

“Well I was supposed to have a girls’ day with Annabelle and Mum, but I have a feeling Anna will be bowing out.” I smiled at the fact that she referred to Eleanor as her mum. She had started doing so the last week, and I loved hearing her accept El as a future guardian. Maybe one day I would have the guts to propose to my girlfriend. [AN: Can I just say this? I think El and Louis are the cutest thing ever!!!]

“I’M HERE!” Eleanor shouted out entering the house as if our discussion of her had made her appear.

“MUM!” Angelica cried out racing forward to embrace Eleanor. El’s face flushed with happiness that I understood. It was the same happiness I felt every single time Angie called me “dad.”

“You ready to go get pedicures?” El asked finally pulling out of the hug. “Then I think we should do some shopping.”

“Sure mum,” Angie smiled grabbing her purse. “Let’s go.”

“Just a sec,” El smiled walking up to me and giving me a quick smooch. “Love you Lou.”

“Love you too El,” I said returning the kiss.

“Now Annabelle Janine Hunter get your lips off of that boy and grab your jacket now!” El shouted glaring at Anna and Liam.

“But Li Bear—“ Annabelle started to protest.

“I don’t care if Li Bear discovered the meaning of life. You have spent enough time with your lips glued to his. Some of the rest of us would like to spend some time with you. And I’m sure Liam can manage to breathe, eat, and use the loo on his own.” Angelica and I broke down laughing as El’s words sank in. Annabelle just sat there pouting.

“She’s right Anna Banana,” Liam said prodding her towards the door. “Besides you can always text me if you get lonely.” Like El was going to let that happen. Five minutes later the girls finally left leaving Liam and I alone in the room together.

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