Chapter 8 What My Real Father Did.

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[AN: Argh! When did I get a social life? All this dang socializing leaves such little time for writing!


"There is no internal bleeding," the doctor said as we stood there in shock. We had waited three hours to hear if Zayn was okay. "Your friend is very lucky."

"Did you do a full body scan to be sure?" Angelica asked before Harry or I could speak. Body scan? "He fell pretty hard. He could have knocked his head. Did you complete an MRI? Maybe you should do an ultrasound just to be safe." Okay, how did she know about MRIs and all that shit when she was pulled out of school? Maybe she just watched a lot of medical dramas on television or something. Anna was always yelling at the TV when we watched CSI telling us how they aren't realistic. She only knew that because she watched all these true forensic shows on television all the time. [AN: My family really hates watching CSI with me. ;)]

"We ran all those tests," the doctor calmly assured her. "He did crack one rib and will be quite sore for several days. He needs to stay in a wheelchair and not move around a lot."

"Louis is there a room on the first floor?" Angelica asked me. "He won't be able to scale the stairs in his condition." The doctor looked impressed by her observation. Were medical dramas this detailed? Oh please Louis, you just don't want to admit the truth to yourself. You heard Anna talk about her treatment at the care home. Who knows what her parents had been like? I just secretly hoped that my fears were all wrong no matter what my conscience told me.

"All the bedrooms are upstairs Angel," Harry replied for me since I seemed to be so lost in thought. Did he just call her Angel? I glanced over to see Harry wink at her. After I warned him about hitting on my daughter too! Flirty little bastard.

"We'll there has to be somewhere," Angelica continued blissfully unaware of Harry's watchful eye on her. "He needs the rest. Wait! Anna's house is a one story right?" She could not be suggesting....

"I don't know if Anna would like her guest room invaded by Zayn right now." Harry tried. That wasn't true. Anna loved guests. She lived off the thrill of entertaining people and hugging them tight. Sometimes a little too tight. We were trying to help Zayn get better; not send him into the lion's den.

"She would do it if I asked her," Angelica said with a soft smile pulling out the phone I had bought her earlier in the day. I leaned over her shoulder a little hurt to see that Anna was her number one speed dial putting me at number two. Shouldn't her dad be the first? I'm just saying.

"Angel no!" Harry said looking at me. I knew that look. He was asking me if we should level with her. We didn't want her to think that Anna was a mean person, but Zayn wouldn't survive more than an hour under her care.

"Spill it," Angelica snapped while the doctor looked on amused. Dang. She knew we were hiding something. The Tomlinson family was known for digging out secrets.

"Do you remember how you when you first met Anna she was a little--overwhelming?" I asked. Angelica merely nodded. "We'll take that and multiply it by a million and you get Anna when she has someone staying with her."

"Plus she is not a nice nurse," Harry shuddered. He was probably remembering the time he tore a muscle in his shoulder. We had an interview and Anna only watched him for a few hours. In fact, we had only asked her to check on him if he called in distress. When we got home Harry was being forced to complete physical therapy exercises while Anna told him to buck up. She even called him a wussy. "She uses tough love on a patient when they are sick." [AN: I am a bitchy nurse when people are sick.]

"But she's been so nice to me and I'm--" she cut herself off before revealing anything. Maybe she would open up if we were alone.

"That's different," Harry said as if they shared a secret. "I think Anna sees a lot of herself in you. It's different from a physical injury." Seriously? I needed to talk to Harry as soon as possible to see what she had told him.

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