Chapter 23 I'm Going To Choose

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~Angelica's POV~

"Thank you Angie,"Anna said smiling as we unlocked the door and walked inside the house after spending the day together. "This is going to be a lot of fun. For you too."

"For me?" I asked. "How so?"

"You get to have a date for the wedding."

"A date?"

"Yeah. So who are you going to choose? Niall or Harry?" I froze. As she asked that Niall and Harry had walked up behind her. She turned around to see what I was staring at.

"Yeah Angie," Niall said.

"Who are you going to choose?" Harry asked. I sent Anna a dark look.

I had been hoping this wouldn't come up. I was hoping that'd I'd get to have time with the lads so I could actually choose one before this question came up... I looked over at the lads, both of whom were watching me carefully.

I looked over at Niall and thought about why he'd be a good date. He was nice, cute, funny, smart, a great musician, and I was always so comfertable around him, and he's a great listener. But if I was being honest, there was nothing romantic about it. Sure I loved him but he was more like the big brother/Best friend I never had rather then a boyfriend...

I looked over at Harry and thought the same thing. He was nice, funny, smart, cute, also a great musician, and he's so much fun to be around. Always doing something stupid. I know he's put out as the player of the group but he's really not, he's really sweet, he just gets caught at the wrong moments.. The more I thought about my times with harry compaired to Niall the more I realized that it was Harry that made me smile the brightest, or feel the happiest, or feel loved the most... No matter how much the press tears him down, no matter how many of those stupid tattoos he gets he'll always be the same cute, cheeky, little boy he was when I first met him.

"Angie.. Angie?" Someones voice said as they waved their hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see Harry and Niall watching me, Anna long gone from the room.

"Sorry what?" I asked, mentaly shaking my head to clear it.

"We were asking who you were gonna choose." Harry said, standing a bit straighter as he shifted his weight.

"For your date." Niall continued, leaning against the wall.

"Oh, uhh, right... Well umm.. I..." I tried to say it, but when I saw the hopeful look in Nialls eyes I couldn't do it, I knew it would upset him, even if he didn't say it out loud.. "I-I don't know... I-I Haven't really thought much about it..." I said, taking tiny steps backwards, turning slightly towards the stair case, hoping if I distracted them enough I could make a break for my room. "Can we talk about this later? I'm tired and Anna's taking me to breakfast in the morning... And you know how early Anna likes to get up.." I said, shifting my eyes around, trying not to look at either of them.. One of my bad habits when I was nervous..

Luckly neither of the lads noticed and they both nodded, letting me go up to my room with a kiss on the head and a good night from each. I walked up stairs, Dumping my bag at the bottom of the steps that go up to my room. I decided to check dads room since I hadn't seen him since before we left. I walked to the door of the master Bedroom and opened the door a crack, peeking into the room. I smiled and walked in when I saw my dad laying up in bed, under covers, with his laptop on his lap and his glasses slowly slipping down his nose. I walked over to his bed and lefted the covers crawling in next to him. He turned his head and peeked over his glasses at me. He grinned wide when he saw me and he shut his laptop, taking off his glasses and setting them both on his bedside table. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into his side.

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