Chapter 26: A Bunch Of Weirdos And Some Cake

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[AN: I just want to preface this chapter by saying it’s Jordan’s own fault for leaving me such a dramatic opening. Plus I no longer have to make my chapters drama free! Jordan will soon regret this.]


I hated these management meetings. They were long, tedious, and did I mention they never had any good snacks? Right now I was munching on water crackers and carrots. Yuck. Who eats this stuff? Probably rabbits and Louis. I chuckled to myself and realized everyone was staring at me.

“What?” I grumbled. “I was just telling myself a joke is all.”

“Of course you were Nialler,” Zayn chuckled as we all nervously sat around the conference room table. “I just wish they would get in here already and tell us what this is about. We are supposed to be on break for another two weeks before going back on tour. I was going to go visit Perrie and the girls while she is on tour.”

“They would warn us if they were starting the tour early,” Liam advised us all.

“Tour?” Belle asked with an upset look on her face.

“Anna Banana you will of course be coming with us. I can’t be away from you that long.” Anna blushed and leaned her head lovingly on his shoulder. I sighed softly wishing I had that.

“A tour will be so much fun,” Angelica giggled from her seat between Louis and Harry. She was holding Harry’s hand under the table much to Louis’ disappointment. “I get to hang out with my dad and see my new boyfriend perform too!”

“New boyfriend?” Louis barked in surprise. “I haven’t even agreed to let you date Angelica.” Louis was going to say more, but that was when two suits walked into the room. We had seen them before, but  couldn’t recall their names. The one who never said anything I had dubbed “Silent Bob” and the other one was fondly known as “Jack.” It was short for Jackass.

“We will get to that in a moment Louis,” Jack smirked as he walked in. Silent Bob passed out several packets of papers to us all. Liam, as usual, began to read the contract as if he could interpret the crazy legal terms inside them. He would need several legal degrees before he could do that. “Now I want to explain to you why we called all of you here.”

“We aren’t moving up the tour are we?” Zayn asked still worried his time with Perrie would be threatened.

“No worries,” Jack replied with a toothy smile. “The tour start still isn’t for a couple of weeks just as planned. No changes to that. No, we want to first commend you boys on making a turnaround with your public image. Parents once again have no reservations about letting their children listen to your music.” Jack and Bob began to clap for us, but none of us joined in. Any praise was quickly followed by horrible news.

“Can you just get to the point?” Harry grumbled holding onto Angie’s hand even tighter. “Some of us have other things to do today besides listening to your hot air.”

“Right,” Jack's face flushed obviously upset by Harry’s insult. “The first thing we need to talk about is a wedding. In particular, Liam and Annabelle’s wedding.”

“Excuse me?” Belle asked in shock. I don’t think she was expecting she would be pulled into this meeting. 

“Turns out that pathetic group marriage in the park was legal,” Jack fumed. “Trust me. I tried to prove it wasn’t.”

“You did what?” Liam shouted, but Belle held him back.

“We were trying to protect you Liam. Although I always did wonder why you didn’t come to us to find a legal way to separate yourself from Miss Hunter. We would have made sure a quiet annulment had happened away from prying eyes.”

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