Chapter 6 Angel do you like me?

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[AN: When I started writing this chapter I had quite a dilemma. Per a text to my friend I needed to "make Harry a horn dog with a heart of gold." I hope I managed to capture that here. You'll understand what I mean after you read!


"Is she always like that?" Angelica asked as she played with her spoon twirling it around in the ice cream. I had taken them for ice cream like Louis suggested. It wasn't very original, but I had no other ideas. I glanced over to where Annabelle was having a very deep conversation on the phone. She had received a call from her publisher just as we sat down and had excused herself to take the call. Her ice cream had quickly melted as Angelica and I had talked about everything and nothing.

"Just in bookstores," I assured her. "She's only really told Liam the whole story about her past, but I guess bookstores and libraries are where she found peace and comfort when her life was out of whack."

"It's hard to believe that she could have any problems in life."

"She hides it well, but there are scars. Emotional and physical."

"Someone hurt her?" I watched as Angelica's face changed while she watched Anna. It was the look of someone who could truly empathize. Someone who had been through the same thing.

"Angelica what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" This time her gaze remained on her ice cream.

"Who hurt you? I know that crazy lady at the care home wasn't the nicest, but there's someone else. Someone hurt you."

"Let it go Harry." I reached forward placing my finger under her chin and tipping her face up to meet mine. "It doesn't matter anymore."

"Yes it does." I fixed my green eyes on her face. "I can't take the pain or the bruises back, but I can help you move past it."

"I already have."

"Yeah, and Annabelle and Liam don't have crushes on each other." My last statement made her laugh before she pulled her face away from my finger. "Tell me Angel."

"What did you call me?" She asked looking at me with wide eyes.

"Angel. I figure it's a better nickname than Angie anyway. You look like an angel too." She blushed then. I know Louis had told me no, but I was flirting with her anyway. It was just natural with Angelica. She was pretty and not so focused on my fame. In fact, I was pretty sure she could care less about our band. Was it weird that I was finding myself falling for a Tomlinson?

"Harry?" She asked waving a hand in front of my face. I must have spaced out there for a few minutes. "I was asking if you were done with your ice cream bowl?" I nodded and watched as she walked to the garbage with our containers. I couldn't help but let my gaze follow her backside as she made it to the garbage can. I did an internal cheer when she dropped a spoon and had to bend over to pick it up. Then I lost focus as someone smacked me hard across the back of my head.

"Keep your eyes back in your head Harry," Annabelle snapped slumping into the chair next to me.

"Ow!" I said rubbing the back of my head. "Was that really necessary?"

"You were eyeing her like a cat in heat," she responded.

"Where do you get these phrases." [AN: To answer Harry's grandfather and father. They are from the Deep South and say the weirdest stuff. Everything is compared to an animal or food for some reason.] Anna always said the weirdest shit.

"We need to have a little chat Harry. She doesn't need you and your pervy thoughts invading her life right now. Think of yourself as her uncle okay?"

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