Chapter 25: Important Meeting

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long! I have had MAJOR writers block and I've been super busy!! Anyways, I hope you like the chapter! Sorry it's so short!!


~Angelica's POV~

I walked out of Niall's room, standing outside his door for a minute. When I heard a soft ripping sound coming from his room, I knew my job was done. I walked away with a sigh, knowing Anna would go in and clean it up like she always does. I walked over to the stair case that led up to my room, not going up them but just sitting at the bottom of them where I had ditched my bag earlier. I sat there for a minute, my mind blank.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and stood up quickly, fixing my clothes. I looked up and saw Harry walking towards me. I smiled a bit when I saw him and he smiled back.

"Hey, there you are. I was looking for you." He said as He stopped in front of me.

"I was just fixing to cone find you..." I said quietly. All my confidence from earlier completely gone.

"Really? What for?" He asked with a smile and I shifted my weight slightly.

"Uhhmmm... I just... I just wanted to uhh... Ask if you wanted to hang out later." I lied. My confidence and cool completely vanishing the second he was in my reach. He smiled and chuckled lightly.

"Of course I would! You really don't have to ask." He said and I nodded awkwardly. "Is that all you wanted?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"Uhmm.. Y-Yeah.. Why?" I asked as he leaned against the wall.

"Oh no reason. I just figured you'd know why Anna walked out of Nialls room with a ripped stuff monkey and why I swore I heard him say "I'm Niall James Horan of One Direction. Who wouldn't want me?" " Harry said with a smirk. I laughed lightly at that.

"Did he really say that?" I asked with a small giggle. Hary smiled and chuckled as he nodded.

"Unless my ears lied to me."He chuckled. I lauged lightly and shook my head at Nialls sillyness. "So do you know why Niall said that?" he asked.

"uhh, yea. I think I do." I admitted. He gave me a look for me to continue. "It's because I.."

~Louis' POV~

After Niall and Angie ran off, Liam took Anna and I was left alone with my thoughts.

Did she really choose Harry? I mean he's not a bad kid, but Harry? He's flirty, obnoxious, and can be a major pain in the ass.. But I guess at the same he can be sweet..

"Louis?" A voice said. "Louis, mate, why are you just standing in the entry way?" I looked up and saw Zayn standing in the door way to the living room. How long had he been there?

"Ummmm... Nothing. Was just thinking.." I said. "What's up?"

"I just got off the phone with management. They want to see us now. They said to be at the office in an hour or they'll send a car to come get us." He said. I looked at him weirdly.

"Seriously? What could be so important?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"I dunno, but they sounded pretty serious. We should start heading out though. I'll go find Liam and Anna." He said before walking off towards Liams room.

I nodded to myself and headed upstairs to go find the others and get my car keys. When I walked upstairs I found Niall first, sitting in his room with his guitar.

"Hey Niall, go find Zayn downstairs, we've got a last minute meeting." I said and he nodded, slipping some shoes on before heading out. "Hey, do you know where Harry and Angie are?" I asked as he was about to go down the stairs.

"I dunno, Harry's room?" He shrugged before heading down. I frowned a bit and went forther down the hallway, finding Harry's room empty, I checked mine to see if Angie was in there but when she wasn't I grabbed my phone and keys and turned around to go find them when I heard a faint giggle from behind me. I turned around and looked up and saw Angie and Harry sitting half-way up the steps to Angies room (the same steps and room that hadn't been touched since the accedent and probably smelled like blood)

"There you two are! What are you doing up there?" I asked, quickly walking up to the steps, giving Harry a bit of a hard look, not liking the way he was sitting so close to my daughter.

"Sorry dad, we just sat up here to talk." Angie replied, giving me a weird look, obviously seeing my glare towards Harry. "What did you need?" She asked.

"I need to steal Harry for a bit. We have an important meeting to get to." I said , climbing up a bit and grabbing Harry's arm.

"We do? When did this happen?" Harry asked as I pulled him down the steps.

"Just now, we need to go or they're gonna come get us." I said.

"Can I come? I don't really want to stay home by myself.." Angie asked quietly, following us down the steps. I looked over at her, my expression softened.

"You won't be by yourself! Anna will stay with you." I said giving her a small smile. I really didn't want her coming to a management meeting, they weren't the nicest people..

"You really think Annabelle will let Liam go anywhere without her? They can barely go to the bathroom without they other complaining about how much they miss them." Harry said with a laugh, I gave him a small glare because the kid was right. I looked back at Angie and sighed.

"Okay, you can come." I said and she smiled. Her and Harry nudged past me and headed downstairs together. I sighed and followed after them.

I am not going to enjoy this whole "dating" thing.


A/N: well that's it! Sorry it's short! I hope you guys liked it :)

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