Chapter 15- A Room for Two

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(Sorry that there are a lot of filler and fluff chapters in this but its my first fanfiction and I want to follow the basic storyline with my own twist so please bare eith me, thank chu A-Chan♡)

I finally arrived at Levi's office, it was at the end of a long hallway on the third floor. I knocked on the door to be met with his cold voice saying to enter. I did as he asked. Levi was sitting behind a big wooden desk, scribbling something on a sheet of paper. Mountains of paperwork surrounded him and he seemed focused in what he was doing. "Name, and business," he said whilst continuing his paperwork, not even looking up to see me. I furrowed my brows, I hate being ignored.

I walked up to beside him and leaned forward so we were inches apart, "Just me, you should probably look up from your work instead of asking, it's kind of rude." (Dat Sass doh, sorry continue reading)

He finally looked up from his work and gave me a smirk before pulling me into his lap in a tight embrace, "Sorry (F/N), being gone for a few days earned me a crap ton of paperwork to catch up on." He swiveled his chair back to his desk and continued writing. I watched him write scanning the paperwork. It was paperwork for another expedition outside the walls. I continued to read it until he stopped writing and placed it gently into another pile, the other papers stirring beneath it.

I sighed and turned around in his lap, straddling him, "Why'd you call me in here, Levi?" I asked before he could take another sheet.

"Oh, right. It's about the room arrangements. Right now there is no other open rooms, because we haven't unpacked the rest of the equipment that's in the spare room. It will also take a few day to get in the furniture for you room, so you're going to have to sleep with me till then," he finished.

"Kay!" I replied cheerily. I stood up from Levi's lap before sitting down on a sofa on the other side of the room. We chatted a bit while Levi finished up one of the smaller stacks of paperwork. We talked about meaningless stuff, like 'how was dinner' and such. Right before he was about to start another stack of work I let out a yawn.

He looked up at me, an amused look on his face. "Are you tired all ready?" I gave a nod, I don't really know what he means by already, its ALREADY 11 and we have to get up at 5 for breakfast and training. What a bother. Levi stood up from his desk and opened the double doors behind it to reveal a spotless bedroom. The bedroom contained minimal furniture, most of it being white, but the most striking thing was a massive four poster bed with grey sheet and fluffy black pillows. I practically ran into the room and jumped onto the bed, burying my face in one of the ultra-soft pillows. "You dirtied my bed brat, go take a shower first." I nodded before reluctantly getting up and walking into his bathroom. I wasn't as big as I expected but it was none the led gorgeous. Most of the appliances were made of black marble complementing the white walls perfectly; and there was not a speck of dirt in sight. I quickly turned on the shower and stripped down, as I stepped into the shower I let the hot water run down my back for a minute or two, contemplating different thoughts about my new life before quickly washing up. I left the bathroom with one towel around me and another tied onto my (H/L) (H/C) hair to dry it.

As I exited Levi's eyes roamed my body taking in every inch, I blushed and looked away. "U-um, Levi, I need some c-clothes," I said nervously my blush growing deeper. Levi made a low 'tch' sound before heading to his drawers and tossing me a shirt. I nodded before returning to the bathroom and changing into my undergarments and his white button-up shirt. The shirt was big on me, and a good thing too so it covered my underwear. I left the bathroom to find Levi already dressed in nightclothes, by that I mean a loose black tee and grey jogger type pants, and tucked into bed. I set my folded clothes on the bedside-table before climbing into bed. I was facing away from him when he pulled me closer so his chest was against my back. I was engulfed by that familiar warmness and gave a sigh of relief breathing in Levi's sweet lemon scent, Levi kissed my head before snuggling his head into the crock of my neck. We soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

~time skip to morning brought by Levi's lemon scent~

I wake up to be met with the cutest sight ever. Levi was still asleep, his face peaceful and not wrinkled into his usual stoic expressionless face. His raven hair swayed gently over his eyes. I reached up and ruffled his hair lightly, causing his eyes to flutter open. He pulled me closer to him and said in a rather tired voice, "Five more minutes."

I giggled lightly before pulling away and standing up from the bed, "Wakey Wakey, time for food!" I pumped my fist in the air, causing him to genuinely laugh before getting up and getting ready. "Don't I have to wear one of those uniform thingies too?"

"Yeah, here. Erwin ordered a few different sizes so you have to find the right one," he said handing me a stack of uniforms. I scanned through the pile till I found my size, then I began to get dressed. The uniform consisted of a white button up shirt, gray pants, khaki jacket, green cloak, and multiple complicated harnesses. Following how Levi was putting on his harnesses, I finally had mine on snuggly. "Come on its almost time for breakfast," Levi reminded me. I took one last look at myself before hurrying to catch up to Levi, leaving my (H/C) hair down naturally.

When we arrived at the banquet room most of the squad was already eating, with the exception of Levi, Eren, and I; but Eren was nowhere to be seen. "The stupid brat isn't even here yet. I'll have to go get his ass out of bed," with that he left off to go fetch Eren. I got some breakfast from the kitchen and sat down next to Petra. Today's breakfast consisted of eggs and a piece of toast. Petra and I were chatting about training when Erwin, Levi, and Eren walked in. We instantly all stood up and saluted, Petra had taught me last dinner how to salute and the proper times to do so.

"At ease," Erwin began as we laid our arms to our sides, "Everyone is to report to training with me in the field, Cadet (L/N) stick to Levi as he is going to train you separately. Let's get this day started." We all followed him to the fields, as I wondered what my first day of training would be.

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