Chapter 17- Testing Day

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(I changed my name is it fit me a little better. Anyways before I ramble too much I'm Alikoku, or Koku for short. I hope you enjoy this next chapter and I'm acually almost done writing the story, but there us still much more to post. Luv ya all+Levi, Koku out!)

~time skip to 6 months later brought to you by Erwin's tests~

It's been six months since I've come up to the surface and started my training to become a member of the survey corps. Today's the day of my final test which is going to be given by the commander, Erwin. During these six months I've grown very close to everyone in squad Levi, Petra is now my best friend and Levi and I have grown closer than I ever thought I would with someone considering my past. Although I've had a lot of fun during the past months, I've also been doing some pretty intense training with Levi. I've learned how to use 3DMG swiftly, how to kill titans, hand-to-hand combat, and everything having to do with expeditions. Even though Levi keeps cooing reassurances in my ear as we wait for Erwin, I'm still nervous as hell. What will happen if I fail, or if I'm not good enough to join Levi's squad? Damn, hold yourself together (F/N) what are you thinking.

As Erwin approaches us we quickly stand up, I salute to him as he draws closer Levi just standing looking bored. "At ease Cadet (L/N), as you very well know today is the day of your final test. It's a simple test, all you have to do is fly through the forest were 50 model titans are set up, you must find and kill all the titans to complete the test. As you are doing the test, I will be observing your skills and the cuts you make to assess whether or not you are fit to join the survey corps. Although I'm sure you'll do fine, according to everything I've heard about you from Levi." I looked towards Levi and he averted my gaze looking away. I smiled tenderly and follow after Erwin as we head to the beginning of the course. "Are you ready," he said looking towards me as he stood atop a tree branch. I drew in a deep breath and nodded. "Ready," I got into my stance, "Set," I set my gaze for a nearby branch and clutched the triggers tightly, "GO!"
I set off speeding through the forest at top speed, Erwin drawing behind, am I faster than him I think before I quickly see a cluster of six model titans. They were made of wood with the nape of the neck being a plush material. I quickly set off in their direction spinning as I made a cut to the first one, it went through half of the plush fabric. Not deep enough I told myself as I flew past a few models and doubled back, slicing the three at once as they were in a line, the cuts deeper this time. I sliced the last two and made my way to another group of models, not stopping to look at the cuts I made. Most of the test went off like this, scouring the forest to quickly find a cluster of 3-7 titans and hastily 'kill' them moving on to the next. I finally sliced the last one, the cut slicing all the way through the fabric to the wooden board, making me very happy.
I landed outside to find Levi standing there, arms crossed with a stoic expression as usual. I couldn't contain myself as rushed into Levi's arms engulfing him in a tight hug which he returned. As he released me I turned around to find a rather amused looking Erwin standing before us, clipboard in hand. A noticeable blush quickly spread across my (S/T) face, I completely forgot that we were keeping our relationship secret. "I-I," I began before getting cut off by Erwin.

"I already know if that's what's concerning you, it's my job to know and Levi tells me everything just so you know," Erwin says in a playful voice, utterly shocking me. I look back and forth between them completely flabbergasted, both holding an amused expression. Levi looked as if he was about to burst into laughter as Erwin continued, "Meet me in my office in an hour to find out your results." He walked away with that and Levi held my hand as he guided me elsewhere.

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