Chapter 16- First Day of Training

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I followed Levi to a separate part of the field, everyone else went with Erwin to practice those flying devices in the nearby forest. We arrived at an area that had multiple swing looking devices set up. "Okay, so since we only have 6 months when training usually takes 3 years, we will have to multi-task a little. First we need to see if you can balance in midair, though while we do that I'm going to teach you about the parts of 3D Maneuvering Gear and how to use it, got it." I nodded and followed him over to the swing looking device. He hooked buckles on to the harness around my waist and slowly suspended me into the air. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, one of my feet was a little more forward than the other and my arms were loosely at my side. It was kind of fun to just hang around. "Good, now you have to hang there while I explain everything about 3DMG."

"What, how long is that going to take?"

"At least an hour and then you have to try it out your gear." I let out a long sigh and continued to hang there for what seemed like an eternity.

~time skip brought to you by Levi's lessons~

I've been hanging here for about an hour and a half now, and while it's not uncomfortable, I'm starting to get a little hungry. Although I do have a good understanding of the 3DMG now and I can't wait to put it on. Hurry up Levi with your explaining of the blade compartment, you already said that we'll be learning blades later. Finally he concluded, "Okay got it all memorized (F/N)?"

"For the last time, yes. Now can you please let me down and get me into some gear. I want to fly god damnit Levi." He gave out a 'tch' and a sigh before lowering me down and walking off towards a shed. He came back a few minutes later with a full set of gear in his hands. Placing most of it down on the bench near us, he began to strap the gear onto me. As his hands skillfully roamed my body, hooking up each device, he lingered near my hips. Holding me in a firm grip with one hand, he lifted my chin with the other. I blushed deeply at his actions, but before I could protest he pulled me into an embrace and a warm kiss. His lips were soft and inviting making me quickly melt into the kiss. The kiss was sweet and gentle, and as he pulled away he lightly caressed my cheek, making smooth circles with his thumb. I laced his hand with mine and we began walking to a small area filled with trees to practice our 3DMG on.

When we got to the forest Levi zipped up to a branch on a nearby tree. "Okay, remember what I said about using the gear." I nodded towards Levi and aimed my gear towards a branch next to his and pulled the trigger. As I began to be lifted off the ground a surge of energy breathed through me. My movements seemed to be in sync with the gear and in a matter of moments I was resting on the tree branch with a rather shocked looking Levi staring at me.

I gave out a triumphant 'hmph' before stating, "This isn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be. The movements are similar to ones I use when jumping from roof tops so it just comes naturally I guess." I finish stating before I jump from the tree branch, free falling before zipping off towards a farther off tree seconds before hitting the ground. Though I didn't see it, Levi let out a small smile seeing me enjoy myself and the simple yet beautiful sight of me soaring through the air.

A love of Lies- Levi X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now