Chapter 4- Welcome Home

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(This chapter is slightly longer and contains some back story so enjoy. Luv chu, A Chan)

I suddenly stop after the jump to the final roof and throw my arm out to the side. Levi runs into my arm, it hitting him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. He glares at me harshly and elbows my side, hard, forcing me to wince in pain but laugh it off. I could have sworn I saw a smile creep upon his face for a mere instant, but I'm not sure. We stood on top of a run down, but ordinary looking two-story building. The doors were boarded up and from the inside it looked as if it was an ordinary one story room, the second story completely blocked off from any kind of entrance from the inside. "Wait here," I say in between laughs as I swipe my foot across the flat roof of the building. My foot feels a loose board and I bend down, wedging the hidden 4x4 foot door up revealing a hidden entrance. I usher him inside and quickly but silently close the door jamming it into place. We walked side by side down the stairs and as we reached the bottom I opened a door revealing my living space. It was plain with cream walls and no windows or decorations. Only necessary furniture inside and perfectly clean except for occasional papers, maps, and what not that littered the floor. I threw my coat on the table as Levi sat on my stiff couch, shifting to find a comfortable position. He looked at me questionably, and I went into story mode, "I know it doesn't look like much, but it's my home so get used to it. If you're wondering how I got here, then a while back when I was still wondering the streets for a little bit I decided I needed a place to stay. I searched high low and I finally found this building. It and every building around it is completely deserted, but this one was the biggest so I searched inside it first. I found it odd that the room below us was only one story and there was no way of getting up to this story from it, so long story short after much struggle I finally found the secret entrance up there and made this my home since no one would suspect me living here," I finish as I sit down next to him on the couch crossing my legs.

"Why were you wandering the streets?" he asked. His question shocked me and I buried my face in my hands, trying to push away all the memories of that night. He suddenly put a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry for asking, it's fine if you don't want to talk about it." I look up at him to find him staring at me apologetically.

I shake my head, "No, its fine," I twiddle my thumbs as I continue, "When I was around 9 some cruel thugs broke into my house in the middle of the night. They killed my parents right in front of me, I barely escaped but I was forced to kill one of them in the process. I was stranded after that until I found this place and began to become a thug too. I only steal and do jobs for people too lazy to do them their damn selves, but I don't do killing jobs, though I have killed a few. I was forced to though it wasn't by choice..." I rant on losing my trail of thought.

He pulls me into a hug, surprising me considering he seems so stern. He was warm and I unconsciously snuggled up closer to him. "Don't worry about it, you're a good person (F/N). Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." I smiled up at him then realizing how close I was I begin to blush a deep crimson. I stood up quickly and ran to the kitchen exclaiming I was going to go make dinner.

(Sorry that I wasn't posting its the beginning of summer break and I have I'll be back on schedule soon. Luv chu, A Chan! <3)

A love of Lies- Levi X Reader FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant